Monitor diagonal in cm and inches: table of values

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It is customary for manufacturers of televisions and computer monitors to produce devices with certain standard aspect ratios. Of the most common formats:

  • 16: 9, the name of the format is HD 720p, or widescreen;
  • 5: 4, SXGA;
  • 8: 5, WXGA + and the like.

How the screen size depends on the diagonal in cm. and inches

The content of the article

  • How the screen size depends on the diagonal in cm. and inches
  • Table with possible monitor diagonal values ​​in cm. and inches

Monitor diagonal in cm. and inches: tableThe first ratio on the list is the most common. But it has recently been giving way to 16:10. The geometric size of the screen in this case depends on the length of the diagonal in inches or centimeters, as in an ordinary triangle. In trigonometry, such sizes are usually determined using sines and cosines.

It should be noted that the most favorable format for viewers, according to many experts, is a 16: 9 ratio. There are several reasons for this. This ratio is convenient for perception by the human eye. Not the least role is played by the fact that almost all of the popular video products are made for such a format. On TVs and monitors with other aspect ratios, viewing it is not very convenient.

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Table with possible monitor diagonal values ​​in cm. and inches

Monitor diagonal in cm. and inches: tableThe presence of structured information about the aspect ratios of televisions and monitors at a certain diagonal length contributes to the judicious choice of the device when buying it for certain needs. A table with the corresponding data for widescreen devices is located below.

Diagonal (in inches and see in brackets) Height (in inches and see in brackets) Width (in inches and see in brackets)
1 inch (2.54 cm)  0.49 inches (1.25 cm)  0.87 inches (2.21 cm)
2 (5,08) 0,98 (2,49) 1,74 (4,43)
5 (12,7) 2,45 (6,23) 4,36 (11,07)
10 (25,4) 4,9 (12,45)  8,72 (22,14)
11 (27,94) 5,39 (13,7) 9,59 (24,35)
13 (33,02) 6,37 (16,19) 11,33 (28,78)
15 (38,1) 7,35 (16,88) 13,07 (33,21)
17 (43,18) 8,33 (21,17)  14,82 (37,63)
19 (48,26) 9,31 (23,66) 16,56 (42,06)
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