What are hertz in the monitor? Everything you need to know about Hertzivka

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hertz monitor The monitor is an integral part of the computer. It is necessary to transmit visual information stored in the system unit.

All models of monitors have the main characteristics - resolution, response and refresh rate.

What are hertz in the monitor

The content of the article

  • What are hertz in the monitor
  • What determines the gertsovka of the monitor?

hertz checkThe refresh rate is one of the main characteristics of the screen. It is she who answers, however, how high-quality the transmitted image will be.

In simple terms, the refresh rate is a numerical value that shows how many times per second the image on the screen will be updated.

REFERENCE! If the screen has a characteristic equal to 60 Hz, this means that it is so many times the picture will be updated in one second of time.

The higher this value, the more often the image will be updated, and as a result, the image will be smoother and sharper.

What determines the gertsovka of the monitor?

More recently, it was believed that the human eye is not capable of processing more than 25 frames per second. However, it has now been proven that the maximum limit of this value does not exist.

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monitor powerTherefore, displays with a frequency of 244 Hz are now available. But what makes up the total value of updating the image on the screen? Two characteristics are responsible for it, these are FPS and Refresf rate.

  • FPS is the number of frames that the graphics adapter processes in a second of time. It is dynamic and depends on many indicators: the power of the adapter, how much the broadcast scene is heavily loaded. That is, for a small period of time they can change very much. However, if initially this value is small, the image becomes twitchy.
  • Refrash rate is a constant value. If the screen has a value of 60 Hz, the image will be updated exactly so many times.

REFERENCE! It is from these two parameters that the smoothness and clarity of the transmitted image will be added.

For example, a monitor has a 60 Hz hertz, and a video card is capable of producing much greater value. In this case, the display simply will not have time to process the transmitted image and the so-called "artifacts" will appear in the picture.

For the picture to be smooth, the FPS and the refresh rate must match.

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