What to do if a black spot appears on the monitor: reasons for the appearance of a black spot on the monitor.

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The appearance of a black spot on the monitor.The screen of a laptop or personal computer is one of its main components. It is with its help that the user receives the necessary information and can work on the computer. But sometimes the device fails or starts to work incorrectly. So, stripes or spots of different colors may appear. The reasons for the appearance of the defect are not very many.

Reasons for the appearance of a black spot on the monitor

The content of the article

  • Reasons for the appearance of a black spot on the monitor
  • What to do if a black spot appears on the monitor

There are several reasons for this failure. All of them are divided into hardware or software. That is, some of them are caused by the breakdown of some component of the computer, while others are caused by a software error.

Black spot in the corner of the monitor.

ATTENTION! Before proceeding with the search for possible problems and solutions, it is advisable to connect the screen to another system unit to check if there are any spots.

The main reasons include violations in the operation of elements, incorrect settings, and so on:

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  1. Motherboard. Usually it breaks down due to a marriage. Failure of the motherboard only in extreme cases leads to defects in the computer screen. Resistors located on the board may also burn out.
  2. Matrix. This device is very fragile. Excessive air humidity or even not very strong mechanical stress can lead to matrix damage.
  3. Graphics adapter. The video card is responsible for transferring pictures to the display. Very often it overheats or becomes clogged with dust. Sometimes during operation, wires go off.
  4. Plume. The picture on the screen is transmitted through a cable that is connected to the motherboard. Very often it is pinched, which causes mechanical damage and wire breaks.
  5. Missing graphics driver. Problems with them arise after reinstalling the operating system or incorrectly performed installation.
  6. Incorrect device settings. This may be incorrectly set display resolution or settings that are made on the device itself.
A few black spots on the monitor.

The black bar can be located in any part of the screen, sometimes even in its center. The source of a defect may be the failure of the video adapter, as well as its incorrect operation, or incorrect operation of the display matrix or loop. Also, a stain appears in the case of strong mechanical stress on the screen matrix.

What to do if a black spot appears on the monitor

Of course, you can contact a professional, but if you have the necessary skills and tools, you can fix the defect yourself. To get rid of the problem, you need to replace the matrix with a new one. This will require new parts and several screwdrivers of different sizes and shapes.

To replace the matrix, do the following:

  • First of all, you need to disconnect the monitor from the network and prepare the work surface;
  • using a suitable type of screwdriver, you need to unscrew all the bolts and remove the back cover of the device;
  • all existing metal fasteners also need to be dismantled;
  • after which you need to carefully disconnect the cables and remove the failed matrix;
  • carefully put a new one in its place;
  • Reassemble the device.
Replacing the matrix on the monitor.

ATTENTION! All steps for dismantling and replacing must be carried out very carefully!

If the spots did not appear due to a matrix defect, you should check the video card drivers and, if necessary, reinstall them, and clean the device itself from dust and dirt.

The monitor is an important part of the PC and requires the same care as all the elements of the system unit. It is necessary to regularly clean the device and prevent mechanical impact on it.

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