How consumes electric towel rail: calculation

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Electric heated towel railHeated towel rail - a device that not only provides comfort, allowing you to quickly and conveniently placed to dry towels and underwear. It is also a great health system: it prevents the development of the fungus in the tissue. Therefore, the design value of the heating can not be overestimated. It remains to clarify its power consumption.

How much power does an electric heated towel rail

The content of the article

  • How much power does an electric heated towel rail
    • What affects the power consumption
  • power factor
  • Calculation of energy consumption

electricity consumption range is quite extensive. This is due to the variety of rooms and bathrooms estimated number of visitors, and size of the devices themselves.

What affects the power consumption

  • The main factor in the first place - an engineering and technical layout, then what type elektrosushiteli include:
  • Liquid. All models are powerful enough: from 1000 up to 300 watts. The main component providing the transportation and storage of heat, plays oil or water. And consumes electricity and generates heat - heater. Its activation and deactivation happens by means of sensors. In the most simple embodiment - when reaching the limits of the maximum and minimum temperatures. Main current consumption falls in the period of initial heating, and further heating element only supports preset mode.
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  • Cable. Refer to the medium and small devices: from 30 to 165 watts. Heating is carried out via a special cable. These devices are less greedy, but their heat transfer is considerably less. If the task is only dried, but not heat the room - these models can become very reasonable and balanced solution.
  • Combined. Combines the advantages of the two previous types. Have a significant disadvantage - they are much more expensive.
    • Further, inside the range comes to the fore the heat transfer characteristics (the higher - that is usually voracious device). Moreover, the presence of the thermostat and / or timer gives considerable savings. Heated towel rail, heating element which works all the time, will consume electricity much more intense than, the one that is activated by a timer from time to time. A device capable of operating only at any one temperature in energy yield flexibly configured having a thermostat.
    • Cable towel should not be used for heating, since they have a small power characteristics, high power consumption rates and are designed only for drying.Electric heated towel rail

power factor

The passport towel warmer does not indicate this option, mainly because it depends on many nuances. And it expresses the ratio of the total time of heating and drying time to an active heating by a current consumption and is close to the concept of efficiency. The better design retains heat longer and gives it to the surrounding space, and the less power while consuming the lower ratio.

In electric towel rails, this figure ranges from 0.4 (the most common variant, and corresponds to 24 minutes of consumption) to 0.16 (the most energy-efficient - just 10 minutes). And it depends not only on the structural features of the device, but also on how wet and underwear, and how much of it is dried. And with the adjacent heating problem - as far as its power is proportional to the air exchange ventilation systems room (bathroom - 25 m³ for combined bathroom - 50 m³), ​​as well as humidity and the amount of drying laundry.Electric heated towel rail

Calculation of energy consumption

Not difficult to calculate the monthly electricity consumption of a heated towel rail, if we know its power. In an extreme case, you can look at his passport, where the digit will be indicated definitely.

Important! The formula for the calculation is simple: the power of the device must be multiplied by the number of hours of operation per day, and 30 - the average number of days in a month.

For example, a household appliance with a capacity of 100 watts, working 5 hours per day is calculated as follows:

50W x 5 hours x 30 = 7500 W / h

This approximate calculation. They are based on the assumption that the temperature of the room apartments are not below 20 ° C, and the volume of the room selected a certain average.Electric heated towel rail

There is a more strict technical formula which takes into account practically all factors, including an additional factor - power factor. The easiest way to this option, you can learn by experience (experiment with an existing unit): from difference in energy consumption flat over the same period, with the employed and unemployed heated towel rail. As a result, energy consumption will test hours.

Finally I would like to note some nuances that may be useful in selecting an appropriate model.

For the usual and most common bathroom area of ​​3 m³ - 5 m³ quite enough 30-40 watt dryers.

Cable towel rarely have in your device thermostat, it is the prerogative of liquid devices.

For a small family ideal rotators. Their small shelves and rotated by 180 degrees in the horizontal plane.

Electric towel profitable and useful acquisition. It is durable (average service life of about 30 years), helps to reduce the moisture in the room, makes hygiene procedures are not only pleasant, but also protects the fabric from mold and mildew. It is hoped that the article was helpful. Especially those who are soon going to get this setting.

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