Do-it-yourself heated towel rail: instructions on how to make an electric and water heated towel rail do it yourself

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heated towel railThe heated towel rail installed in the bathroom, in addition to helping to dry both towels and small items, also plays the role of a heating radiator. In practice, two types of these devices are used - water and electric.

We make a heated towel rail ourselves

The content of the article

  • We make a heated towel rail ourselves
    • Necessary tools
    • We select the necessary materials
    • Determined with size and shape
  • How to make a heated towel rail do it yourself
    • Do-it-yourself electric heated towel rail
    • Do-it-yourself water heated towel rail
  • Is it worth it to do a heated towel rail with your own hands

make a heated towel railThis device can be easily bought in a specialized store, you have to be prepared by spending several thousand rubles. But there is another option: to make it yourself, especially since this device is not very complex.

On the market you can find three models of devices that are used for drying towels:

  • water;
  • electric;
  • combined.

Each of these species has its own advantages and disadvantages. For the manufacture of these devices used pipes made of steel, copper, polypropylene. Manufacturers mass-produce products of various shapes and diameters.

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Necessary tools

instrumentsFor the manufacture of a water heated towel rail, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work. That is, to measure the diameters of the pipes, the distance between the heating pipes. To perform the work, you will need the following tools:

  1. a welding machine, preferably an inverter and electrodes;
  2. angle grinder;
  3. circles for pieces of metal and stripping of welds;
  4. roulette;
  5. marker.

We select the necessary materials

To create a heated towel rail from a pipe, you will need:

  • pipe with diam. 32x2 mm and a length of 3 meters;
  • swivel bends 32x2 - six pieces;
  • American assembled 2 pieces;
  • fixture for fastening.

Determined with size and shape

sizes and shapes of heated towel railsThere are two versions of the heated towel rail - one-piece and combined. To obtain a complete design, the use of a pipe bending machine that forms the bends (bends) of the dryer will be required. To make a pipe, you need a pipe and elbows.


When manufacturing a heated towel rail, it is necessary to remember that for heating one meter of the bathroom area 155 watts of thermal energy will be required.

How to make a heated towel rail do it yourself

We offer to make both electric and water heated towel rails. They can be used in different rooms of the apartment. We present detailed instructions for the implementation of the work.

Do-it-yourself electric heated towel rail

DIY electric heated towel railTo create an electrical appliance, you need to buy a ready-made water dryer. In addition to it, a heater with a power of 110 V and an external thread of 1⁄2 inch will be required. Also required are plugs, a Maevsky crane insulation materials.

Work order

The procedure for creating an electric dryer is as follows:

  1. Plugs are unscrewed from the heating racks.
  2. In the lower hole, they fix the heater. Using a watering can, working fluid is poured into the dryer, a Mayevsky crane is mounted.
  3. After assembly, you can plug the device into a power outlet.

In this way, the heating will be checked and leaks will be visible. If everything is in order, then you can start installing the finished device on the wall.

Do-it-yourself water heated towel rail

The assembly sequence of the heated towel rail looks like this:

  1. Based on the geometric data of the bathroom and special calculation tables, you can calculate the geometry of the dryer and based on the calculation you can estimate the design sketch.
  2. The resulting sketch will allow you to cut the pipe into the required number of segments from which the structure will be assembled.
  3. By connecting the segments and elbows, the result will be a snake-like design.
  4. Pipe segments and bends are connected by welding.

do-it-yourself water heated towel railTo make seams, it makes sense to use semi-automatic welding. The use of such a device can provide the necessary quality of the welded joint.

Is it worth it to do a heated towel rail with your own hands

whether to make a heated towel railIn general, making a heated towel rail with your own hands is not so difficult, the only thing a master needs is to have certain skills in welding and plumbing. Undoubtedly, the appearance of such a product is likely to be inferior to that produced in the factory, but it is impossible to discount the resulting savings.

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