Types of hair pads, curls: by design, temperature, power, coating

It's no secret that all female representatives want to charm everyone and always. But it is also clear that not all of them were lucky to be born with already luxurious curly hair. Do you want to have beautiful curls that everyone would admire and secretly envy?

Then you no longer need to regularly spend money on hairdressing salons to “bring beauty”, because, thanks to technological progress, you can do it right at home, if you have such a wonderful thing, like curling iron.

REFERENCE: Curling iron is an household appliance that is ideal for styling and styling hairstyles.

The main types of plates in design

The content of the article

  • The main types of plates in design
  • Types of plates by temperature and power
  • Varieties of device coatings
  • Types of plates, differing in tongs and diameter
  • For which curls what types of flat to choose

The main types of plates in designAbsolutely all curling irons are classified depending on the diameter, surface coverage, power, number and functionality of nozzles, cord length, ionizer, temperature controller, temperature, timer and forceps.

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  1. Cylindrical (classic with clip): standard common curling irons. With them, you can both straighten hair and simply wind it.
  2. Cone: considered a very popular species among those who know their advantages and disadvantages. There is no clamp. The kit includes a heat-resistant glove, which you need to hold curls while using the device.
  3. Spiral: they have a special spiral nozzle, thanks to which the curls will be clear, spiral-shaped or round. They will hold on for a long time and firmly.
  4. Double: this type of instrument has two working surfaces that can create relaxed zigzag waves. Often used by professionals.
  5. Triple: consist of three cylinders, which serve to create volume for curls. They belong to the professional category.
  6. Automatic: allow you to do very quickly and easily various curls. It helps to wind and iron the hair in different directions.

Types of plates by temperature and power

Types of plates by temperatureTemperature and power are very important criteria, and you should not forget about it. First of all, to use the curling iron at home, you need to choose one in which the power is 20-50 watts. If you take on average, then with such power, the heating rate of the device is equal to a minute.

For curls that are obedient, the temperature should be around 150 degrees. A higher temperature is needed for heavy hair - up to 200 degrees. And if the strands are colored, then 90 degrees is the ceiling.

IMPORTANT: Keep track of the set temperature on your device. The higher it is, the more your hair will deteriorate, so it is not recommended to use it daily.

Varieties of device coatings

Varieties of plating coatings

ATTENTION: This is considered a very important aspect, as it directly relates to the health of your hair!

  1. Metallic: the most recommended type of coating. The only plus is the cheap price, the rest is only cons.
  2. Ceramic: considered the best option because of the uniform heating and maintaining the health of your hair. However, the coating itself is very fragile.
  3. Teflon: no less popular look that protects your curls, but with frequent use it becomes worthless.
  4. Tourmaline: this coating is used on most new models of plaques due to the excellent quality of gloss, health and silkiness of curls. A very expensive variation.
  5. Titanium: perhaps the most durable, reliable and safe coating. It has an impressive price, which is why it is not in mass demand.

Types of plates, differing in tongs and diameter

Types of tongs
  1. Triangular: have a unique triangular nozzle, which allows you to make curls sharp and non-standard.
  2. Corrugation: allow you to make waves of individual strands. Often have ceramic coated plates.
  3. Straighteners (“Irons”): considered one of the best options for “naughty” curls because of the principle of work on evaporation of moisture.
  4. Hairdryer: symbiosis of hair dryer and comb, allow you to lay any hair and give volume to strands of hair.
  5. Zigzags: make curls more angular. It looks very creative.

For which curls what types of flat to choose

Types of hair padsPhotos of the types of hair pads, curls, you can see in the article. Suitable for short hair: conical, straighteners, cylindrical, automatic (except for too short), corrugation, triangular, hairdryer, zigzags (except for too short).

Suitable for medium hair: double, triple, conical, straighteners, cylindrical, automatic, corrugations, triangular, hair-curlers, zigzags.

Suitable for long hair: double, triple, cone, spiral, straighteners, cylindrical, automatic, corrugation, triangular, hair-curlers, zigzags.

IMPORTANT: Not all curling irons can be used equally for different curls. It can hurt them!

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