Curling or hair iron to curl it best: ironing and curling characteristics, the comparison devices.

What's the best hair curling.Every woman wants to have beautiful hair, but it is not every representative of the fair sex nature has bestowed luxurious curls. To date, there are many ways irons, curlers on to the chemical. However, the most popular purchased and curling irons to create curls, allowing to change its image, without damaging the hair daily.

Characteristics and features ployki

The content of the article

  • Characteristics and features ployki
  • Features hair iron
  • Compare ironing and curling: what locks are obtained
  • That it is better to create curls

Features curling.Curling - curling appliance, which is a heated rod, on which is wound a strand. The working surface of the forceps may have the following types of coverage:

  • metal;
  • titanium;
  • ceramic;
  • Tourmaline.

IMPORTANT! Ceramic and tourmaline coating workspace curling hair does less damage than the metal surfaces, and also helps to avoid overheating and burning of the strands.

Some models are equipped with a set of additional ploek nozzles, through which you can achieve different effects: large waves, spiral curls, small curls.

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In the line of some manufacturers are models with built-in hairdryer, allowing to create a spectacular laying straight while drying hair.

Features hair iron

Features hair ironThe main purpose is ironing hair straightening, not waving, but modern devices with a number of additional nozzles are also suitable for creating an attractive curls. Most irons, on the market today, has adjustable heating modes, some models are also equipped with an electronic display that allows to control the heating temperature and time perm.

Plates irons are manufactured from metal, ceramics, tourmaline and teflon. It should be borne in mind that devices with metal plates strongly overheated hair, leading to damage and making the hair dull. Ceramic and tourmaline plates is recommended to use no more than 2-3 times a week. The coating of Teflon causes minimal damage to the hair, preserving the elasticity and healthy shine, and is suitable for daily use.

heating modes also play an important role in the proper selection and use of the device. Thus, thin and weakened hair should tighten only at low temperatures and can exhibit the maximum heat styling unruly hair and hard.

IMPORTANT! To minimize damage during installation, it is necessary to use special means overload warning thinning and overdrying strands.

Compare ironing and curling: what locks are obtained

The main difference curling irons and ironing is the purpose and result of the wave. Thus, curling allows to obtain the elastic curls desired size, the shape of which depends on the diameter of the rod, but the result of such wave looks slightly artificial.

Depending on the type and mode of curling device operation can be obtained:

  1. Elastic curls. On preheated to wind the strand and curling to heat for 50 seconds. Do not comb to complete cooling.What locks are obtained utjuzhkom and curling irons.
  2. Hollywood waves. To achieve this effect it is necessary to warm up the hair for 15-20 seconds at a minimum temperature range.
  3. Voluminous curls. Curling is produced in a chaotic manner, his head bowed down. It recommended to apply a styling means for pinning effect of the procedure.

With ironing is possible not only to wind the hair but also to straighten them. It allows you to achieve a more natural effect, giving a healthy glow and a natural air volume. With it you can get:

  1. Classic big wave. It is necessary to clamp and hold the strand utjuzhkom slowly device from the root to the tip, turning it 360 degrees.
  2. Spiral curls. Screw locks on the device, holding it vertically, and how to warm up.
  3. Curls in a beach-style. For this effect, it is necessary to twist a strand into a bundle and carefully warmed utjuzhkom from root to tip.

That it is better to create curls

The choice of instrument is determined by the tasks that it should be addressed. So, everyday natural styling can safely entrust ironing, allowing to give your hair a perfect smoothness and retain their shine and health from root to tip. Lovers of elastic curls better to opt for curling with different attachments, but this device is not suitable for daily use.

Regardless of the type of the selected device, be aware that the use of low-quality cheap appliances irons can cause irreparable damage to the hair, so acquiring or curling iron is worth to prefer devices tested and proven producers.

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