What is the name that makes the hair curling wavy: the name and features of curling, variety, how to choose a device for curling.

What is the name that makes the curling wavy hair.To make a beautiful hairdo, modern girl, not necessarily to visit the salon. Turn straight hair in curled ringlets, it is possible independently. With the help of special tools can simulate spectacular styling at home and be different every day.

The name and characteristics of curling, which makes hair wavy

The content of the article

  • The name and characteristics of curling, which makes hair wavy
  • Varieties triple curling
  • How to Choose a curling iron with a triple working surface

Triple curling can both curl and straighten hair.Triple curling, or the trident - the so-called electrical device for curling hair, which is quickly and easily allows you to create different types of wavy curls. With this tool you can also straighten curls.

REFERENCE! The device has three working surfaces, each having a diameter of - from 18 to 32 mm.

Using an electric curling iron, you can make a professional styling for any variations in just a few minutes. Irons individual strands are placed on a work surface and pressed down the other two. can be obtained through this technology: small neat curls, large curls, waves careless beach-style - it all depends on the desires and mood.

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IMPORTANT! Triple curling versatile in use and do not spoil the hair during the perming. They create curls perfectly shaped, do my hair bulk and shiny.

The magnificent effect of stacking is obtained by the following features triple styler:

  • special ion coating saturates the hair negatively charged particles, so that the bolt is not damaged;
  • Forceps are not magnetized hairs;
  • quality models heat up quickly and maintain a good temperature;
  • due to the uniform heating of the working surface of curls long break;
  • hairstyle does not require additional means of fixation.

Styler is convenient and easy to use, even a beginner will cope with it. It takes only 1-2 lessons to learn with their hands to create professional and stylish hairstyles.

Varieties triple curling

Triple forceps are many varieties. Many of them are equipped with heat-resistant tips that do not heat up during operation. This greatly increases the safety of using the device.

Varieties triple curling.

Types ploek differ:

  • design features;
  • coating - it can be titanium, Teflon, ceramic, metal, tourmaline;
  • diameter working surfaces;
  • heat regulation;
  • power;
  • size.

ATTENTION! If your hair is relaxed, it is better to choose styler with a mechanical change in temperature. This will protect them from accidental damage.

There are many types of electric ploek with removable nozzles. They allow you to do hairstyles of any complexity, is no worse than in a professional salon.

Nozzles come in the form of a triangle - in this case the ends of the strands are straight; zigzag - curls are obtained angular; ripple - they are often used to create a wave effect. There are tips that can create shapes out of the hair. These models are suitable to girls who like to experiment with its image.

How to Choose a curling iron with a triple working surface

How to Choose a curling iron with a triple working surfaceTo date, manufacturers offer a wide selection ploek - wave to help yourself make a beautiful hairdo, without the help of professionals. The main thing to pay attention to when evaluating the models - a reasonable value for money.

When choosing it is also important to consider the type and condition of the hair:

  • for thin and medium suitable curling iron having a diameter of 13-14 mm, curling is recommended to use a moderate temperature conditions (130-140 ° C);
  • for long and thick better select device with diameter 9-20 mm, and do packing at a temperature of 180-200 degrees;
  • posechonnye and weakened hair curling advise style with high quality coating and when required power saving mode.

ATTENTION! Any heat wave damages the hair. Therefore, from time to time you need to give them a rest, apply nourishing oils and moisturizing mask.

If the unit is purchased for frequent use, it is necessary to give preference to qualitative professional models. As a rule, they are provided with a large number of temperature modes and automatic shutdown system. Also, they always have high-quality and durable finish, which is not the more simple economical models.

REFERENCE! Curling with a metal coating, chromium, and Teflon desiccate often traumatize the hair. Therefore it is better to give preference to titanium, tourmaline or ceramic. They have the function of ionization, it protects the hair structure during the curling.

When choosing also pay attention to the convenience of the device. Ideally, it should not be heavy and cumbersome, or too easy. If the model has not stationary and rotating cord - it will, if necessary, deploy curling in different directions.

On sale there and unusual original versions. Gaining popularity with soft curling velor surface, they allow you to create a light wavy hair and does not dry hair. mini model does not take up much space in your suitcase and is perfect for those who wish to travel.

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