How to make a cast-iron stove in the oven: step by step guide

cast iron plateIn the past, very often used for cast iron plates in the oven. When it appeared they crack you could just throw away, and on this place put another - new. But with the advancement of technology, the furnace began to throw out of the house, and the iron does not in demand, steel shortage in the market. So those are not many people who have stayed at the iron furnace wonder: how to weld the cracks?

How to make a cast-iron stove

The content of the article

  • How to make a cast-iron stove
    • plate preparation
    • The choice of method of brewing
  • Brewing iron plate: step by step guide

There are many ways for welding cast iron as a whole, is inverter, cold welding, hot welding, for semi.

plate preparation

Preparation of iron before the welding process is required. To cleanse the Bulgarian used with petal circle. Once the layer of rust is removed to be treated for degreasing solvent plate. In the process of preparation is necessary to pay attention to:

  1. Studs. Often two types of splices using the supporting elements, and without them.
  2. Cutting edges.
  3. The use of special electrodes.Brew iron plate
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The choice of method of brewing

There are three methods for welding cast iron:

  1. Hot. It is believed the main and most suitable for this type of material. The essence of welding is that before proceeding to the electrodes need to heat the metal to a high temperature.
  2. For semi. This method is identical to the previous one, except the heating temperature, it should be less.
  3. It's cold. Wherein a large number of processes, but not providing heating.Cracked cast-iron stove

Brewing iron plate: step by step guide

Before proceeding to weld cast iron at home need to prepare metal and follow the step by step instructions correctly:

  1. Held cutting edges at 450If the plate is thick plate. To conduct such a procedure by using grinder or a grinding machine. Crack on iron initially treated abrasive disk, and then the ends are drilled defective portion.
  2. The graphite base material is placed under the thin (3mm). The molten metal during welding will not leak from the back side.
  3. The metal must be cleaned from dust, rust and debris. After that it must be heated with a blowtorch or other equipment.
  4. The welding process starts as soon as the required temperature is reached. Secure side plate necessary via tack.
  5. It is not recommended to allow the transverse vibrations in the first weld, it leads very quickly. The seam is adjusted from several directions, if the plate is longer than 100 mm. Such a procedure will help to avoid perekalivaniya iron with one hand.
  6. If the plate is thick, it is necessary to make a seam in a few moves. For a better iron contractions after the first smooth seam, made oscillatory.
  7. After each seam is done slag separation.cast iron plate

Important! Once the welding process is completed, the joint should be covered with sand until cool products.

The process of welding this metal in the home with the help of the inverter is carried out very successfully.

15.11.2018 at 21:01

It is not clear why degrease parts before welding.
Maybe they should be more primed? )))

To answer
AvatarAlexey Brezhnev:
11.18.2018 at 11:24

Do not have much to bother Nasverlit holes, cut the thread and fasten plates... .Svarka there with the brown... all the same burst, I know from experience and from the rolled plate so the second hand and the works ...

To answer
20.11.2018 at 14:06

So what are the electrodes?

To answer
23.11.2018 at 00:05

Until then all the hard!! How many body-movements? Geniuses. 3.25 and stainless steel electrode current 90-125 A, and forward shabash oven collapse.

To answer
AvatarNikolai Dolgushin:
24.11.2018 at 20:21

Though I am not but a welder to weld the cast a lot do not mind taking a conventional electrode end we wind the copper wire as the coil in the butt 8-10 centimeters such electrodes must prepare several weld and as a normal metal winding why only the end of the electrode during welding electrode heated to red on the whole its use is not possible but in this manner can make any cast iron and copper is desired diameter greater than the better check the real

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