How to use an induction cooker: how to turn on an induction stove and cook on it

induction cookerInduction cookers or panels are the result of the development of traditional kitchen appliances. Their main difference from the others lies in the prince of work. If everything is clear with a gas-fired stove, the combustion of gas fuel leads to heating of dishes and products in it. In an electric furnace, heating is carried out due to the fact that the electric current passing through the heating element generates a certain amount of thermal energy.

The principle of operation of the induction cooker

The content of the article

  • The principle of operation of the induction cooker
  • How to use an induction cooker
    • How to connect a stove
    • How to turn on the induction cooker
    • How to turn off the induction panel
  • How to cook on an induction stove
    • We select dishes for the induction cooker
    • We understand the modes
    • How to unlock an induction hob
    • Features of cooking on an induction cooker
  • Induction Cooker Safety Rules

Inductive panel works on the basis of other physical phenomena. Cooking on such equipment is done by induction.

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The current passing through the turns of the inductive coil is converted into an alternating magnetic field. It heats the dishes due to the arising vortex field.

How to use an induction cooker

use of induction cookerIn order for the furnace to work for a long time and without any special problems, the user will need only one thing - to exactly comply with the requirements given in the instruction manual. This document describes the procedure for choosing the installation location of the model, the procedure for its inclusion and operation.

How to connect a stove

how to connect an induction cookerThe main tool that will be required to connect the device to the network is a screwdriver. Directly to connect, you will need to purchase a certain amount of a three-core power cable. Most often, a cable with a cross section of 4 to 6 square meters is used. mm The length of this cable should be enough to connect the panel. As a rule, a 4-core cable is included in the package. 2 cores, brown and black are phases, the blue core is “0”, and the yellow-green wire is earth. The ends of the wires must be stripped. On the back of the product is a comb in which the stripped wires are installed. The free end must be connected to the house electrical network.

How to turn on the induction cooker

So, the panel is included in the network. After the end of this process, some models signal that everything is proceeding normally, and the panel can be turned on.

inclusion of a plateOn the control panel, as a rule, there is a “start / stop” button, clicking on which will turn on the device.

  • Inclusion and basic operation.

Before starting work, it makes sense to clean the surface of packaging residues and traces of adhesives that could remain after production. By the way, in the first minutes of operation it can smell burnt rubber. But you should not worry much, this unpleasant spirit will soon be removed.

  • The inclusion of cooking zones.

For each individual zone, the control panel has separate buttons, in addition, some models have separate controls. Power is set from 0 to 9.

The operating instructions describe in detail which power modes are optimal for boiling, and which for heating or direct cooking.

How to turn off the induction panel

After cooking, you must turn off the panel. To do this, you can press the "start / stop" button or wait for a certain time, after which the panel itself will go into standby mode.

How to cook on an induction stove

induction cookerFor cooking, you need to prepare the necessary products and, of course, the dishes, more on that below.

We select dishes for the induction cooker

cookware for induction cookerFor cooking on inductive furnaces it is advisable use specialized utensils made of ferromagnetic materials. This is determined by the physical principle that underlies her work. Eddy currents, which create heat in the dishes, most effectively affect the ferromagnetic dishes. If the consumer has no desire to spend money on the purchase of new dishes, can I buy an adapter, made in the form of a disk and laid on the burner, thus, it will be possible to use the usual kitchen utensils (glass, aluminum, etc.). This adapter will take on the effect of eddy currents, and heat up, transferring heat to the cookware installed on it.



The best solution would be to use dishes with a thick bottom.

We understand the modes

induction cooker modesTo make the cooking process easier, manufacturers are trying to establish a larger number of functions, and some of them, in fact, can bring certain benefits. For example, the Booster function, which allows you to transfer power from the burner to the burner. It makes it possible to take energy from a free burner. This allows you to cook food a little faster.

Heat support mode - its presence allows you to leave cooked food on the stove, and it will not be able to cool for a long time.

Emergency shutdown will work when liquid gets on the hob. As a result, all burners are switched off.

Individual models offer users various modes that allow you to cook chop or stew mushrooms.

How to unlock an induction hob

unlock plateIn some cases, there is a need to block the stove, for example, from small children who can indulge in the control panel. On the front panel there may be a button with the image of the lock. After clicking on it, the stove control will be blocked. To disable it, you need to press two buttons at the same time, as a rule, these are the plus and minus buttons, after pressing you need to withstand a certain time.

Features of cooking on an induction cooker

features of using an induction cookerOne of the main features of an inductive cooker is the cooking speed. All who use it in everyday life, note its quick work. Consider this by the example of the manufacture of ordinary fried eggs. So, on gas, fried eggs on average will be ready in 12-15 minutes, on an inductive furnace, the cooking time will take no more than 4 minutes.


For those who are just mastering this device, at first it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions indicated in the prescription books. And only after gaining some experience you can cook yourself.

Induction Cooker Safety Rules

An inductive furnace is an electric device and, accordingly, its operation should be carried out in accordance with safety measures for working with electrical appliances.

  1. The connection must only be made to a network that meets the requirements defined in the instruction manual.
  2. It is not permissible to close the panel through which the internal cavity of the device is ventilated.
  3. The equipment must be protected from moisture inside the enclosure.
  4. Cleaning and maintenance of the inductive device can only be carried out after disconnecting the device from the electric current network.

Following these tips, you can simply use the induction stove, and it will last for a long time.

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