Which cooker is better induction or glass ceramic: advantages and disadvantages of each type of cooker

Plate selectionWhich stove is better - glass ceramic or induction? What are their differences, advantages and disadvantages? What stove to choose when buying household appliances? This will be our article.

Induction cooker

The content of the article

  • Induction cooker
    • Benefits
    • disadvantages
  • Glass ceramic
    • Benefits
    • disadvantages
  • Conclusion

The key difference: it is not the working surface that is heated, but only the dishes placed on it. Also, many housewives like the automation of processes: heating begins after a pot is placed on the stove, and stops after it is removed. Such a function looks extremely attractive, especially if you have experience using conventional electric or gas stoves. With this option, there is no need for a systematic wiping of grease and stains from levers and handles.

Important! An electromagnetic coil acts as a heating element. It creates a magnetic field that reproduces high-frequency currents that heat the dishes.


Reasons to acquire induction:

  • touching the burner does not result in a thermal burn;
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  • it is easy to collect loose bulk products from the surface (and at the same time they will not leave scratches);
  • functionality (the list of options may consist of several dozen items);
  • impact resistance (careless movement, falling dishes will not lead to the failure of the device);
  • there is the possibility of setting any temperature;
  • extended list of cooking modes;
  • fat is not eaten into the surface;
  • in working condition practically does not dry the air in the kitchen;
  • thoughtful system of protection against overheating;
  • burners heat up very quickly (the speed is comparable to advanced gas stoves);
  • low electricity consumption (in comparison with shadow models);
  • for boiling a liter of water takes 2-3 minutes.
Induction cooker

Families with children will like the automatic blocking of the entire hob when the mode is set incorrectly or repeatedly aimlessly. However, this same function sometimes acts as a “minus". Especially strongly from her at the initial stage of use are the mistresses who first bought induction.

Important! The panel is so smart that it can distinguish cookware from a kitchen appliance accidentally left on the stove. For example, from a cook. Under its weight, the device will not turn on.


Perfection induction can not be called. Most often, the purchase of plates of this type is stopped by their high cost. In addition to the price, the following nuances can affect the decision:

  • the need to use specialized cookware (ordinary pots and pans will not heat up, products with ferromagnetic properties are required);
  • the high cost of suitable dishes;
  • burners quickly fail (proper operation, compliance with all safety measures do not save);
  • requires increased accuracy during installation;
  • has a strong negative effect on people with pacemakers (and devices similar in principle to the action);
  • you have to choose a place (induction should not stand next to the refrigerator or dishwasher);
  • it makes noise during operation (the clarity of the manifestation depends on the specific model, some expensive devices are generally devoid of this drawback).
Special cookware for induction cooker

Note! In a hopeless situation, the use of glassware is permissible. However, it will bask very badly.

If you look closely at the list of “minuses”, it is easy to understand that we do not solve only 1 point. It relates to the health of people with pacemakers. The remaining points can be mitigated if desired.

Glass ceramic

Unlike induction models, the principle of heat transfer works here. First, the work surface is heated. An increase in its temperature leads to incandescent dishes. Because of this, during cooking, there are risks of thermal burns.

The heating element also does not match. By this criterion, glass-ceramic plates of tape, halogen and spiral type are distinguished.


"Pros" of glass-ceramic technology:

  • the device calmly tolerates critically high temperatures (up to 600 degrees);
  • rapid cooling of the heating surface;
  • the ability to control the diameter of the heating zone (its adjustment to the size of the pan or pan);
  • maintains very big weight;
  • a well-thought-out system of protection against unauthorized access to switching modes (children will not be able to “wind up” the stove);
  • relatively low cost;
  • works absolutely silently;
  • glass-ceramic cookware costs less than for induction.
Glass-ceramic plate

The last item on the list will save a decent amount. The benefit is visible in relation to the cost of the plate itself. Glass ceramic technology is cheaper than induction. Moreover, the difference in the amount of the check can reach tens of thousands of rubles.

Important! If you wish, you can find a model that is compatible with dishes from different materials. However, a lot of money will have to be paid for this know-how. Therefore, today it will still be easier to buy pans and pans with a flat bottom.


The main "minus": the inability to use the stove in the presence of small contaminants. This is fraught with failure of the work surface. And if single people and small families with this factor can easily come to terms, then housewives who cook several meals a day, over time, they will begin to feel irritation from the need to constantly wipe tiles.

Moreover, the cleaning process itself is somewhat difficult. Care should be taken in the selection of funds. The erratic use of non-specialized gels and powders will lead to rust and scratches.

Glass ceramic stove cleaning

Other controversial qualities:

  • improperly collected cereals and the use of powdered detergents can lead to deep scratches;
  • complexity of care (relative to induction models);
  • risk of burns;
  • a sharp object falling may cause breakage;
  • it takes 5–7 minutes to heat 1 liter of water (2-3 times more time when compared with induction);
  • less automation of processes (in comparison with induction cookers);
  • glass ceramic spends more energy on cooking;


In the case of a choice between ceramic and induction cookers, everything depends on the monetary possibilities and the expected activity of using the stove. Wealthy people who have a large family and are forced to cook several dishes daily, should opt for the induction model. At the same time, it will be necessary to allocate funds from the budget for updating dishes, you should not forget about this expense item.

If urgency is not a priority and you do not want to spend extra money, then you should buy a glass-ceramic device. Take a closer look at this option and those who during cooking will definitely not use unusual functions and options. In fact, housewives resort to them extremely rarely, but their presence seriously affects the cost of the stove.

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