The clear plate handles of fat, so as not to erase the inscription

Stove - loyal assistant in cooking. Hostess trying to keep track of its surface and continuously wipe the fat. And with the controller handles the situation is sometimes more complicated. The first time they carefully cleaned, but a year later on the handles are formed stubborn spots of fat, plaque dirt and dust. This is not a reason to look brand new plate - wash regulators under the force of each owner.

The clear plate handle fat and delete labels

What are the regulators

The content of the article

  • What are the regulators
  • How to clean removable handle
  • How to clean non-removable handle
  • Folk remedies
    • Ammonia
    • Vinegar
    • Lemon soda +

There are two kinds of Handles: removable and non-removable.Removable controllers to pull enough for themselves, and they are separated from the plate. If the regulator does not give - it is non-removable, and it is better not to use physical force to him, not to break the plate.

The clear plate handle fat and delete labels

Removable handle can be boiled in water and use any means available to clean them. Non-removable handles can also be cleaned of dirt, but the range of cleansers thus narrows.

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How to clean removable handle

For the most simple method of cleaning does not need an aggressive household chemicals.For this purpose the handle is placed in a container with water temperature 80⁰S added to detergent or soap grated and left for 15-20 minutes. Thereafter, they purified the old toothbrush.

The clear plate handle fat and delete labels

Do not get too long to keep the handle in water. While it is hot, dirt easily behind the surface of the pen, but the cooling water eats the dirt again.

Washing off the handle, rub the surface of the plate in their places of accommodation.

How to clean non-removable handle

Non-removable controllers pure complex.This will require a cotton pad, floss, toothbrush, cotton swabs, wipes, sponges and detergent.

For purification gel which is used means, it will not flow into or drain of the junction surface of the plate on the floor. Can be diluted with a hot detergent solution and apply it to the surface with a cotton pad.

The clear plate handle fat and delete labels

Next stage- mechanical cleaning with a toothbrush or sponge. To remove dirt from the joints, useful floss and to clean the fine details - cotton swab.

If soapy water does not remove the fat, helps dry method - a cotton swab dipped in baking soda and scrub it of pollution.

wipes, which are sold in hardware stores can be used for cleaning regulators. They contain chlorine with citric acid. Napkins to wipe the surface and hard to reach places clean toothpicks.

Folk remedies

The clear plate handle fat and delete labels

Purchased cleaners plates are easy to use and operate efficiently.But sometimes the cleaning begins spontaneously, and the possibility to go shopping there. In addition, special features may cost disproportionately expensive compared with equally effective folk remedies.


The clear plate handle fat and delete labels

This bubble may be in the medicine cabinet of most housewives.But there is an important clarification - for cleaning is required not clean liquid ammonia and ammonia-anise drops. Their smell is not as poisonous and drops do not need to be diluted with water. To clean cotton ball or wand drops wetted and rubbed soiled surface.

If the house has only pure ammonia, it is diluted with water at a ratio of 1: 1.


The clear plate handle fat and delete labels

This tool is suitable only for removable handles. The capacitance vinegar is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 4, and there are placed handles. Capacity put on medium heat and boil for 10 minutes. Thereafter, the water is drained, and allowed to cool regulators. They were then wiped with a napkin and put in place.

Lemon soda +

The clear plate handle fat and delete labels

lemon juice - an indispensable tool for the purification of many contaminants in the home.To clean the handle, squeeze enough juice of one lemon, moisten it a brush and wipe the surface. If fat is ingrained in the juice add 2 teaspoons of baking soda, quenched a small amount of juice. The mixture is applied on the handles and left for 10-15 minutes and then rubbed. Such a method leaves a pleasant citrus aroma in the kitchen for some time.

Clean the dirt can be any boards and regulators, but perhaps it will take a lot of time and effort. Not to spend a few hours to clean up a few handles better be regularly cleaned them fat, to touch them with clean hands and to keep order in the kitchen. If, however, the need for aggressive cleaning agents and the use of still there, do not forget about the use of gloves and masks for respiratory protection.

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