DIY rocket stoves

Thanks to the advanced level of modern technology, there are many different types of furnaces that can easily perform their function efficiently. In these ranks, a furnace — a rocket — takes its place. It does not give way to its competitors. In addition, it can easily be done independently. Do-it-yourself rocket stoves are real. This will be discussed in this article.

Rocket furnace

The principle of operation of the rocket furnace

The content of the article

  • The principle of operation of the rocket furnace
  • Variety of designs
    • Simple construction
    • Advanced design
  • The stove with a warm stove bench
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the rocket furnace

In order to understand the instructions for building the device, you need to know how the unit works, as well as what are the advantages and disadvantages. Efficiency is carried out by two methods, and quite simple to understand.

The first is the free flow of fuel gases that are routed through the channels. In this case, the draft is created due to the chimney, therefore, the design does not need forced blowing. This option is used in the simplest devices. Another is when flue gases are burned after burning wood. The named method is most often used when there is a need for long burning.

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Variety of designs

Using a detailed analysis of each of the technologies, we consider their activity.

Simple construction

Simple constructionAs for the device itself and its external appearance, these are two small parts of the pipe that are interconnected. The device is perfect for use in an open space, namely to heat various liquids and prepare simple dishes. Heating is due to the collection of branches or slivers. Subsequently, their combustion, the results are advancing into the chimney. The free circulation of heating air implements the principle of all actions.

Advanced design

Due to the need for space heating, it is worth considering the named device, since the previous one acts exclusively for the manufacture of products. It is he who is capable of not only cooking, but also maintaining and maintaining the desired temperature for a long time, thereby warming up the space. All this is done due to the second body - the heat exchanger.

Unlike the simplest unit, this one can be installed in the house, but the pipe must go outside. However, you should not leave him unattended, especially in residential buildings. It is recommended to determine it in garages or in small areas.

Modernization makes one more change:

  • The presence of insulation in the form of fire-resistant material.
  • Mounting the duct so that secondary air is supplied.
  • Blowing through a closed door.
  • An outlet pipe is now located at the bottom of the furnace.

The stove with a warm stove bench

Despite the fact that this economical type of construction has significant dimensions and takes up a lot of space, it can be used instead of a bed or sofa. This provides the user with both a heat source and a resting area.

What is the “trick” of such a furnace: long and interconnected channels pass through a distance from the furnace itself, where there are cooking channels, to the materials (usually clay, bricks or stones) from which the surface is laid couches. While the warm air mass goes along this path, it cools down over time and exits through a chimney located on the street next to the house. In order to build ultra-efficient models of the furnace with your own hands, it is necessary to prepare rocket drawings and remember the following nuances:

  1. The stove with a warm stove benchThe firebox, which should be closed by a lid, is located at the bottom.
  2. She, in turn, moves to the fire channel, which is located in a horizontal form.
  3. When using brick as a material for laying, channels can also be made from a similar product.
  4. The furnace hole is vertical.

IMPORTANT! There should not be a huge amount of air, otherwise the gases that are primarily released will cool.

Advantages and disadvantages of the rocket furnace

We can immediately say that such a device has a sufficient number of positive points. Let's consider some of them:

  1. Rocket furnaceThe most significant can be called simplicity and cheapness. For its construction will not require a lot of costs, various means. And even a master without experience in this field will be able to handle the process.
  2. In addition, in the form of fuel, you can use a variety of types: wood and solid.
  3. Not afraid of long breaks.
  4. Thermal return pleasantly surprises with its performance - it can reach from 10 to 18 kW.
  5. It is allowed to add fuel during the combustion process.

Naturally, there are disadvantages everywhere. This device is no exception.

  1. It is forbidden to use in baths because of the inability to give heat for a short time period. It is also undesirable to install in residential buildings.
  2. You can not leave him unattended. The device requires constant supervision.
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