There is no cause of draft in the furnace: reasons related to the furnace and external factors, methods of elimination.

Bake.Heating of a country house in the winter is due to the correct operation of the boiler or stove. The absence of burning smell from smoldering firewood located in the furnace confirms the presence of good traction. And the constant aroma of a bonfire in the house indicates possible malfunctions of the furnace equipment.

Why there is no draft in the furnace

The content of the article

  • Why there is no draft in the furnace
    • Oven Reasons
    • External factors of poor traction
  • How to improve traction in the furnace

If an unpleasant odor is detected, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the deterioration of the exhaust system. To detect a factor affecting traction, it is important to consider the nature of the malfunction. If the smell appeared from the beginning of operation of the furnace, the reason may lie in the design or features of the chimney. With the sudden appearance of a smoke aroma, the origin of the defect can be caused by external factors.

Oven Reasons

No traction in the oven.The presence of poor draft from the first day of operation of the furnace indicates that the internal structure of the openings of the chimney or structure does not allow to exhaust exhaust gases from the furnace outward in a natural way.

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It is no coincidence that since ancient times, in small villages there were masters who knew how to lay out the stove correctly and transmitted knowledge by inheritance.

REFERENCE! To correctly calculate the cross-sectional dimensions and lengths, specialists use the unit of measurement Pa (Pascal), which shows the rarefaction of air by natural draft, with a change in the height of the chimney. Based on the value of this indicator, the stoves choose the complexity of the internal structure of the furnace.

Consider in detail the design features that affect traction:

  1. A complex system of horizontal and vertical strokes inside the furnace should have a cross section and length sufficient for natural traction. Turns of the chimney channel are performed with a large cross section of 10–30%, due to the inhibition of the flow of hot air, in the event of obstacles.
  2. Incorrectly selected cross-section and height of the chimney can cause a burning smell in the house. The specific nature of the exhaust gas by natural draft will not allow to remove a large amount of smoke through an opening of small diameter.
  3. The shape of the cross section of the chimney also affects the quality of the exhaust gas. In the corners of rectangular structures, turbulences are formed that inhibit the movement of hot air masses.
  4. The absence of metal inserts inside the chimney inhibits the movement of smoke inside the system due to surface irregularities.
  5. Revision doors for cleaning oven channels may not close properly. This impairs traction and allows combustion products to remain in the house.
  6. An error in the construction of the chimney will lead to a deterioration in the exhaust of smoke from the furnace. The exhaust pipe located on the side surface of the roof should be higher than the ridge if the distance to it is less than 2 meters.
  7. The presence of several furnaces in the furnace requires proper separation between them. Improper design of the partition will result in poor traction.
  8. The collapse of the brick at the turn of the chimney is often the cause of the deterioration of exhaust gas.
  9. The connection of the furnace channels with the pipe should not be narrowed or performed in a form other than the chimney. Reducing the diameter of the compound will allow a large amount of soot to accumulate and impede the movement of hot air currents.

IMPORTANT! Masonry should be performed by a qualified craftsman. A seam that bursts after drying or cracked bricks can cause smoke deterioration. It is very difficult to identify such a reason during operation!

Accumulation of soot in the furnace.Accumulation of soot in the internal cavity of the flue ducts of the furnace and chimney is a common cause of deterioration in the draft of furnace equipment. What are they doing to eliminate this shortcoming? Use a brush with a weight and clean the vertical cavity of the chimney. To clean the horizontal channels, they use special revision doors and ash is extracted through them.

ATTENTION! When erecting furnace equipment, the masonry is performed using clay mortar or mixtures specifically designed for furnaces. The use of a conventional mortar based on sand and cement can cause cracks, and subsequently reduce the efficiency and poor smoke removal.

Metal chimneys are cleaned with aspen logs. Given the complexity of ignition, first the furnace is heated using birch or oak, and then aspen is burned. The absence of tarry impurities during combustion, with a fully open blower, allows you to remove soot from the channels by burning. This method requires compliance with safety measures due to the increased combustion temperature and the possible appearance of sparks in the chimney.

Such cleaning is performed using potato peel or rock salt sprinkled on burning coals. Substances that are released during the combustion of these elements allow the removal of soot from inaccessible places of the smoke exhaust channels. The chemical industry produces special powders that, when burned, help clean the chimney.

IMPORTANT! The burning of special mixtures for cleaning the discharge channels and pipes allows you to remove the soot layer up to 5 mm. With more carbon deposits, the effect is achieved only by mechanical cleaning and ash removal using special devices.

External factors of poor traction

The appearance of a burning smell during operation of the furnace indicates the occurrence of undesirable phenomena that impair the operation of the chimney. These reasons may include the following factors:

  1. Improper organization of ventilation inside the room affects the draft: open windows wide open, located above the level of the furnace, will violate the air flow inside the furnace, especially when firing up in a cooled room, and fully closed windows, doors contribute to a lack of air inside the building, create a vacuum and periodically reverse cravings.External factors of poor draft in the furnace
  2. A strong gusty wind often causes a violation of the normal smoke exhaust. To eliminate this phenomenon, special chimney caps are used that do not allow gusts of wind to disturb the draft of the furnace.
  3. High humidity, accompanied by precipitation and lower atmospheric pressure, reduces the speed of the exhaust gases through the chimney channels, which leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the house. To maintain normal draft, when precipitation occurs, complex chimney channels are neglected: they open the ignition flaps and shorten the path of hot air flows inside the furnace equipment.

How to improve traction in the furnace

To avoid the appearance of an unpleasant smell of burning in the room, it is necessary to regularly clean the flue ducts and pipes. If the house is located in a windy place, a deflector is installed at the end of the pipe, which allows you to stabilize traction, regardless of gusts of wind.

IMPORTANT! Before starting the stove, it is recommended to warm the chimney. To do this, use paper that is burned, warm the internal cavity and get rid of the “air plug”.

Chimney insulation can significantly improve smoke removal. Such work is performed using special basalt wool, which is not affected by high temperatures.

REFERENCE! The dilution of the cold chimney pipe is 30% lower than that of the heated one.

If serious furnace design flaws are found that require continuous improvement in smoke extraction, use a sophisticated but effective method of forced exhaust gas removal using a fan. The application of this method will avoid the appearance of a burning smell, but will need power supply.

The quality of the removal of combustion products of the furnace is due to the correct design and regularity of maintenance of the chimney system. The construction of furnace equipment with good traction should be performed only by experienced craftsmen. The frequency of maintenance depends on the operating mode of the furnace (at least 1 time per year). Keeping the chimneys in good condition will ensure clean air inside the country house.

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