Do-it-yourself bricklaying of brick ovens: features, selection of materials and tools

Currently, there are many heating systems that heat housing with various types of fuel, however, more recently, only a solid fuel furnace was used for this. Despite the fact that its popularity has somewhat decreased, the stove is used everywhere for cooking, barbecue and barbecue, creating a cozy relaxing atmosphere and family pastime.

Features of DIY bricklaying

The content of the article

  • Features of DIY bricklaying
    • Selection of materials and tools
    • Solution preparation
    • Step-by-step instructions for laying a Russian stove with a stove bench and stove
  • Tips for laying brick ovens

Features of brick masonryBefore you start making diagrams and drawings of stoves with your own hands, it is worthwhile to understand why the device will be intended. Since the design is complex and has been done for many years, it will simply be impossible to correct the error in the future. Depending on the purpose, the stoves are divided into:

  • Heating - prefabricated and simple, they are used exclusively for heating housing;
  • Heating and cooking is a popular option because along with heating it makes cooking possible.
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Note! Masonry of brick ovens with your own hands is possible even by a person who does not have experience, however, their design is not so simple and requires careful study. Before starting work, it is strongly recommended that you study the structural features of the products, get an initial idea of ​​the masonry from books, online resources, etc.

The design of any furnace is both simple and complex, while the main goal is maximum productivity. If we talk about the elements, in particular, the main ones are:

  • Fuel tank. It differs in size and is used for fueling. When designing, you should build on the type of fuel, its volume and the desired performance. Its arrangement is carried out only from fire-resistant bricks;
  • Chimney. Its purpose is the removal of smoke and harmful gases from the furnace, which are formed during combustion. Ideally, if it is simply vertical, since the more the chimney has bends, the less draft and heating efficiency will be;
  • ash chamber. With its help, the accumulated ash is removed, and air is also supplied.

Important! Design is the key to further successful laying and durability of the furnace, so you should not save money and use dubious schemes. It is better to pay a competent stove-maker once than then unsuccessfully try to correct the shortcomings.

Selection of materials and tools

The choice of materials for laying the furnaceWhen the type of brick stoves for the house, the drawings with the orders of which are presented in the public domain on the Internet, is selected, it is time to choose materials and tools. Then you can start laying the furnace with your own hands with order. As for materials, attention should be paid to brick - for masonry, ceramic and refractory are needed.

The latter is most often used only for fireplaces and firebox, and ceramic - for the erection of the entire structure.

DIY laying of stoves, the features and nuances of the construction of which will be presented below, require some tools. For independent construction you will need the following tool: trowel, putty knife, plumb line, wire for knitting, tape measure, grinder, metal corners and tapes, plate, latches, doors, grate, level and tanks for solution.

Solution preparation

Preparation of a solution for the furnaceAs for the solution for laying the stoves with your own hands, then, perhaps, either its independent preparation from clay and sand, or the purchase of a finished mixture. Clay for refractory bricks is necessarily used chamotte (refractory, can withstand heating up to 1500 degrees), and for masonry - ordinary.

The proportions of the components of the solution are established empirically. To do this, the clay is soaked for a day, then it is divided into 5 parts, each of which is mixed with sand in various proportions, and left for several hours. After this, the samples are rolled into sausages (1-1.5 cm) and an object about 5 cm thick is wrapped with them:

  • If at the same time cracks over 2 mm are formed on the solution - it is unsuitable;
  • Cracks up to 2 mm - suitable for a furnace that does not heat above 300 degrees;
  • No cracks - use for masonry is allowed.

Advice! The solution directly affects the performance of the furnace and the timing of its operation, so following the rules for its preparation is mandatory!

Step-by-step instructions for laying a Russian stove with a stove bench and stove

instructions for laying the Russian stove Laying do-it-yourself stoves with order is such that the design is heavy. So the foundation must be powerful and confident to withstand it. The material for it is a classic mortar of cement, sand and gravel, which is poured to a depth of about 700 mm using a reinforcing cage with a cross section of 10 mm.

At the same time, performing the order of the Russian stove with a stove bench and a stove, it is preliminary recommended to make a pillow up to 200 mm thick of sand and gravel. In order to avoid the airing of the foundation, it is necessary to pierce it with a rod as often as possible or use a vibrating press, if possible. At the end, the structure is leveled, and after 4 weeks, it is covered with a double layer of roofing material.

The step-by-step laying of a brick oven for a house consists of the following steps:

  1. Laying out the ash pan and the lower part of the first hood, installing the ash pan door with its fixation by wire.
  2. Installation of a grate and masonry (masonry clay and fireclay clay) masonry. Fastening the fuel chamber door.
  3. Laying up to the 12th row, overlapping the firebox and installing the stove with checking its evenness level.
  4. Arrangement of the brewing compartment, the first hood from the left edge of the furnace and the summer stroke, installation of a valve for it.
  5. Spreading is carried out until the 20th row, the brewing compartment and the first hood are blocked using metal corners for strength. In the masonry, you should leave holes for the lifting channel, vents for the cooking compartment, as well as summer running. It is recommended to hide the cooking compartment with fireplace doors that allow you to monitor the combustion process. Installation of cleaning doors for soot cleaning in a convenient accessible place.
  6. Laying the walls of the hood to the 23rd row and its overlap. A chimney channel of 260x260 mm with a chimney above the stove is left.
  7. Arrangement of the chimney and further furnish of the furnace.

Note! Finishing of the structure is carried out only after drying the oven. The choice of its option is based on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Tips for laying brick ovens

Brick masonryEach master has individual skills and preferences in the laying of the furnace, methods convenient for him. Despite this, some features of the work are the same for everyone. First of all, this concerns the choice of material - the brick should be carefully inspected, the quality of firing, the integrity, and the absence of cracks should be checked.

During the installation of the slab, a small gap with a brick wall should be left to compensate for the thermal expansion of the metal. But most importantly - the masonry should be carried out in strict accordance with the scheme of the furnace, without any "gag". Dust and chips must be carefully removed from each brick, and if the solution was not immediately applied to it, repeated application should be preceded by cleaning it.

The key to arranging a functional, efficient and beautiful do-it-yourself stove is the same at all times - it is hard work, patience and steady adherence to the advice of professionals.

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