Aphids breed at a very high rate. For a day the colony is replenished with two hundred new insects. In nature there are about 4000 species of aphids, in the garden or in the garden are distributed several of them:
- aphid green;
- black;
- cherry;
- goblet;
- rozannaya.
This insect pest infects all cultures, except for coniferous plants, and especially aphids like to paw at wicker plants. Cucumbers are most often affected by black aphids. A lot of these small insects are taken to the young shoots of a cucumber whip and begin to suck the juice from the plant.
When aphids are affected, the leaves of the plant begin to twist and turn yellow, and then dry and fall off. The distance between adjacent leaves begins to contract. The growth bud buddies and the whip ceases to develop. On the top leaves there will be noticeable spots of the sweet pada, which aphids secrete in the process of vital activity.
Removal of lesions
Aphids accumulate on the upper leaves of the plant, if there are a lot of insects, trim the young shoots and burn them. So you get rid of a lot of aphids, and new side shoots will go from the internode. After pruning the cucumber, it is possible to carry out chemical treatment.
Aphids never settle on the lower leaves of the plant and its lignified branches, since this pest can not bite rough tissue. Therefore, to combat aphids, surface treatments are sufficient.
Treatment with insecticides and bioactive substances
To combat aphids, the drug "Aktara" is a good choice. It is a contact insecticide that begins to function two hours after treatment. "Aktara" is a product of prolonged action. Repeated treatment of the plant will need to be done in two weeks.
Insecticide "Aktara" is very toxic to bees, so treatment can be carried out only in the evening, when the bees completed the evening flight.
In order to protect pollinator insects, biological preparations can be used instead of chemical insecticides, for example, "Fitoverm". This is also an insecticide of prolonged action. The drug acts on the intestine of the pest. After two hours of action, aphids stop eating, and after another three hours - they die.
"Fitoverm" is absolutely safe for bees and other insect pollinators, therefore treatment with a biological preparation can be carried out at any time of the day. Do not treat the plant at noon, otherwise "Fitoverm" will quickly evaporate.