How to choose an amplifier for speakers: what criteria should be considered when choosing an amplifier, classification of amplifiers.

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Amplifier to speakers.Sound is an integral part of human life. Thanks to him, a person can make a complete picture of what is happening around him. Despite the fact that recently, active speakers with an already built-in amplifier are becoming more and more popular, it is passive acoustics of the Hi-End and Hi-Fi class that allows you to fully enjoy your favorite music compositions. High quality speakers do not have a built-in amplifier, so you need to purchase it separately.

What criteria should be considered when choosing an amplifier for speakers

The content of the article

  • What criteria should be considered when choosing an amplifier for speakers
    • Amplifier and speaker balance
    • Selection of amplifier power, depending on the area of ​​the room
    • Accounting for technical characteristics
    • Extra options
  • Amplifier Classification
  • Choosing an amplifier for a car
  • What can happen if the amplifier is selected incorrectly?

To achieve good sound, you need to choose the right receiver. This is not so simple to do, because many nuances must be taken into account.

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Amplifier and speaker balance

To achieve perfect sound, you must balance the performance of the speakers and amplifier. The sound amplifier sounds optimally at 70% of its rated power.

The rule follows from this - the receiver should be approximately 60% more powerful than the speakers. It is such a difference in power that allows for minimal distortion of the audio signal. This theory is based on many years of experience with audio users. Basically, it applies to receivers whose operation is based on microcircuits or lamps. If the power difference is above this value, the amplifier will start to overheat.

Tube amplifier.

ATTENTION! Long-term operation of the system with a difference in power of more than 60% leads to the failure of the device!

Selection of amplifier power, depending on the area of ​​the room

Rated power is one of the main characteristics that should be considered when deciding which sound amplifier to choose. In order to determine the necessary value, you must first determine the purpose of use and the area of ​​the room in which the equipment will be installed:

  1. When using acoustics in standard-sized living rooms that do not have additional sound insulation, you should rely on the rule - about 3 watts per square meter. This value is optimal. It will allow you to fully enjoy listening to music, while not interfering with others.
  2. If the receiver is selected for rooms with a large area or open areas, then its power should be significantly higher. In this case, it is necessary to rely on the technical characteristics of the speaker system. Pay attention to the resistance of the speakers. The ideal option is a receiver designed for an impedance higher than that of an existing system. This will make the sound better and louder.
Amplifier with speakers in the room.

Accounting for technical characteristics

In addition to power, all amplifiers have a number of other characteristics. These include:

  1. Distortion level. Hi-End equipment has a value of 1%. For optimal sound, it is necessary that this value does not exceed 3%.
  2. Damping. This feature means how much the receiver can suppress speaker vibrations. It is desirable to purchase equipment with damping of at least 100.
  3. Noise. It is responsible for how much interference there will be at high volume. The higher the value, the less interference there will be.
  4. Frequency range. A person perceives sounds in the range from 20 to 20,000 GHz. When buying an amplifier, it is worth choosing models with an upper frequency indicator, approximately two times higher than 20,000 GHz.

Extra options

In addition to the main technical characteristics, when purchasing a device, you need to pay attention to other parameters:

  1. Build quality. The ideal option is the body of the product, made of metal. All adjustment knobs must have a secure fit. A cooling system is also required.
  2. All connections with acoustics must be performed efficiently. In budget options, terminals made of inexpensive materials are used. During operation, they are often oxidized. This leads to sound distortion. To avoid this, you need to purchase high-quality terminals. They have a large contact area, and are fastened with bolts.
Modern stereo amplifier.

Amplifier Classification

All amplifiers are divided into two types: analog and digital. Due to its design nuances, each of them provides a different sound:

  1. Analogue These include tube amplifiers. Such devices give music their zest, so they are more suitable for listening to vinyl records or audio cassettes.
  2. Digital. This is a more modern option. It transmits a clear sound, without distortion, which are inherent in the tube sound. It is the best option for listening to modern music.

Choosing an amplifier for a car

No one, even the most expensive receiver and high-quality acoustics, can provide good sound in a car. This is due to the small area, poor ventilation and temperature changes.

Amplifier in a car.

ATTENTION! When choosing equipment for a car, you need to start from the same conditions as when choosing acoustics for your home. But taking into account some nuances. Since the car has a complex structure, the installation of a multi-channel system is required. Therefore, each of its nodes will need its own amplifier.

What can happen if the amplifier is selected incorrectly?

Since impedance and power are the main characteristics of the amplifier, they are the determining ones when choosing. If you purchase a device that is not suitable for the speakers in these parameters, then this may lead to the failure of the receiver. Therefore, for power, the optimal value will be 60% of the nominal value of the speakers, and the resistance value should be the same on the receiver and acoustics. Thus, you can achieve perfect sound, while the product does not fail.

When choosing the best option for an amplifier, you should carefully study all its technical characteristics. Only in this way, you can purchase a device that provides the best sound quality.

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