How to connect a subwoofer and speakers to an amplifier: what you need to connect, useful tips

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How to connect a subwoofer and speakers to an amplifierOften, to eliminate the hoarseness of the speakers when they are playing at high volume, or in order to increase the sound volume, an additional amplifier is required. Typically, such devices are installed together with a subwoofer, since for the latter to work correctly, two-channel amplification with a load on the device itself is necessary.
Also, to eliminate wheezing in the speakers, four or two-channel amplifiers are installed.

How to connect a subwoofer and speakers to an amplifier

The content of the article

  • How to connect a subwoofer and speakers to an amplifier
  •  What do you need to connect?
  • Useful tips on how to connect a subwoofer and speakers to an amplifier

Amplifiers are two-channel and four-channel type. You can connect either two speakers (left and right) or one subwoofer to a two-channel amplifier.
In order to connect both the subwoofer and speakers to the amplification device at the same time, you need a 4-channel kit.

There are the following schemes for connecting to 4 channels:

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  • 4 speakers
  • Subwoofer and a pair of speakers (left and right)
  • 2 subwoofers.

SubwooferIn case of connecting 4 speakers, use the corresponding terminals. Which are designated as: Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right, where Front - means front speakers, Rear - rear, Left - left, Right - right.

If the devices are connected as part of two speakers and one subwoofer, to the terminals Front Left and Front Right, and the subwoofer to Rear Left and Rear Right. You can also connect 2 subwoofers to the corresponding front and rear connectors.

 What do you need to connect?

To connect, you need the acoustic device itself, as well as an amplifier and two colored wires. One cable will be a plus, another minus. It is better to use special speaker wires.

 Important! When choosing a wire cross-section, it should be remembered that the cross-section of the negative cable should be the same as the cross-section of the positive.

You may also need a fuse to protect the amplifier from short circuits.

Useful tips on how to connect a subwoofer and speakers to an amplifier

  • The most important thing to remember when connecting is the polarity. Typically, a red cable connects to the plus, and black to the minus.
  • Cables should not be bent, and it is better to cover the joints with heat shrink or electrical tape.

 Important! If the music system is conducted in the car, then to avoid interference, wires with power should be drawn on one side of the body, and wires with a signal on the other.

  • The cable cross-section must be at least 2 square meters. mm And also do not try to save on the quality of the conductive element, since due to the poor-quality conductor, the sound may be distorted, and interference may occur on the channel.
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