How to connect speakers to the xbox 360: step-by-step instructions

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Xbox 360 is one of the most popular game consoles for PC and TV. Its advantage is that the control in the game occurs using the joystick in real time. One of the main problems that players have when connecting a console is connecting speakers to it. How to accomplish this without problems and enjoy playing with sound will be described later.

Connect speakers to the xbox 360

The content of the article

  • Connect speakers to the xbox 360
  • What difficulties may arise
  • Step-by-step connection of speakers to xbox 360

Connecting speakers to the xbox 360 is a rather complicated process in the absence of suitable equipment. Many users recommend purchasing a kit from a game console, headphones and speakers with the required cable to prevent possible difficulties. Then you will need to complete all three steps: open the instruction, insert the wires according to it into the necessary compartments and start the game.

How to connect speakers to xbox 360

Otherwise, the connection will require the purchase of the right cable, and insert it into the compartments shown on the training video from bloggers.

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What difficulties may arise

Even if there is a suitable wire and it was possible to insert it into the necessary compartments, such a problem occurs when connecting: there is no loud sound. This happens due to the lack of an audio amplifier in the xbox. However, if it is in the columns, then you will need to purchase an additional adapter. As a result, the connection takes more than the required time.

There is a solution: to improve the sound, connect the speakers directly to the monitor or TV screen, and not the game console box. There is no need to purchase additional devices.

xbox 360

Interesting! When a player tries to make high-quality sound and connect speakers to the xbox, he is faced with the problem of improperly selected components.

For the Xbox 360, you need to take a regular cable, which is designed to transmit digital audio S / PDIF or TOSLINK to a receiver with an HDMI audio adapter. As for other varieties of the Xbox 360, here you need a little different wires. So, for the 360 ​​E variety, you need an audio cable suitable for a particular brand of TV or computer (see the manual for the operation of the equipment). For the Xbox 360 S, you should take the exact same cables as for the classic model, but the cables must be equipped with an optical audio output in order to transmit a digital signal.

Step-by-step connection of speakers to xbox 360

To connect the speakers to the console, you must purchase an additional cable that will transmit the audio signal S / PDIF or TOSLINK. It does not come with the device. As an option, you can purchase a kit from the console and speaker system. Then the required wire will already be with the console, and there will be no need to look for additional components.

Then you need to insert the HDMI cable to the TV, speaker system or monitor screen to transmit the video signal. To do this, you need to take one tip and bring it to the optical audio jack on the console, and the second to the selected receiver, to its input jack to provide a high-quality picture or sound. Another way is to connect the speakers to the TV, and not to the game console. It will be easier because of the standard 3.5 mm jack.

Next, you can insert the disk. A picture with the game and the corresponding sound will appear. Important! Sound quality will depend not only on the speakers themselves, but also on how they are connected: directly to the console or to the TV.

xbox 360

In general, connecting speakers to the game console to start the game in real time is not particularly difficult. It’s important to use the tips above, use high-quality hardware, and follow the instructions for your particular xbox 360 model.

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