How to connect speakers to the music center: with clips, without clips

how to connect speakers to the music centerSpeakers are devices that serve as a kind of audio catalyst. They significantly increase sound quality and sound volume, as well as apply effects to vibrations. The capabilities of these devices vary depending on their model and cost. To work, the speakers must be connected to the music center. We will tell you how to do it.

Connection to the music center with clips

The content of the article

  • Connection to the music center with clips
  • Connection to the music center without clamps
    • Step-by-step verification and connection
      • If there is such an entrance
      • If there is no such entrance

with clampsThis action is easy to carry out. in the presence of a music center and speakers from one set.

Reference! The manufacturers of acoustic systems provide full compatibility of parts from one set (with rare exceptions in the form of marriage or poor quality products).

However, not everyone is satisfied with sound amplifiers that go along with the main element of the speaker system.

But if additional components were purchased separately, this means that they cannot be combined. To do this is easy, just follow the instructions.

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  • Pick up the wiring from the speakers and insert them into the corresponding holes in the music center, focusing on the color.
  • Fix the clamps so that the information on the cable is transmitted more accurately and the fastening is reliable.
  • Insert the wire from the main acoustic department into the network and turn it on.
  • Check the performance of the speakers by losing several tracks. You can apply effects to the sound using the settings of the main compartment.

Connection to the music center without clamps

Such a connection is made if the cable from two speakers is connected into one plug. In this situation, you need to check the ability to connect to the music center of a unified system 2.0.

Step-by-step verification and connection

  • without clampsGet close to the music block and turn it back to you (the one on which the inlets for the plugs of the audio devices are located).
  • Find two inputs for separate connection of each of the speakers. Near them should be located another input, and a schematic representation that it replaces the previous two (for example, in the form of a table with an equal sign).

If there is such an entrance

  1. Connect the plug from the speakers to it.
  2. Insert the plug from the main compartment into the network.
  3. Turn on the device.
  4. Check the operation of the speakers by turning on any track and superimposing on it the effects that the music center has.

If there is no such entrance

  1. Go to the store and purchase audio adapter. As a rule, it is a piece of plastic with one hole and two outlets. If you are lucky, you will come across an adapter with a cable - so the connection will be more flexible.
  2. Insert the plug from the speakers into the adapter, and insert the protruding elements of the adapter into the left and right holes of the music center.
  3. Insert the plug from the center into the outlet.
  4. Turn on the device and check the speakers.

Important! As a rule, the audio adapters on the two outputs do not have the designations “left” and “right”. Therefore, the user has a chance to make a mistake and insert it upside down.

The error can be detected by listening to audio recordings with two-channel sound. If the sound, which should appear only on the right, appears on the left, or vice versa, then you need to turn off the music center and turn the adapter over.

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