How to reload jbl column: jbl column hangs and does not turn off

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In today's market you can see many varieties of speakers. Each of them requires an individual approach. In this article, we will analyze the situation in which the jbl model has ceased to respond to requests: we will consider options for troubleshooting the problem, as well as ways to restart it.

How to reload jbl column

The jbl column is hanging and does not turn off - what should I do?

The content of the article

  • The jbl column is hanging and does not turn off - what should I do?
  • How to reload jbl charge column

Despite the fact that the presented design option is not cheap, it is still typical for it to acquire malfunctions during operation. But this, of course, does not mean that there is one way out. Sometimes it’s enough to find out the source of the problem and fix it in a timely manner. Therefore, if you notice that the equipment does not respond to yours, then you should follow the recommendations below:

  • Often it helps to disconnect the battery and keep the equipment in this state for some time. But it may be that, after this, performance will not be carried out. In this case, the problem lies directly in the power controller.
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  • In addition, waiting sometimes helps. But first, you should wait until the unit spends all its charge. Then recharge and try to activate the column again.
  • If the above steps do not help, then you will probably have to update the software. An effective method is also a complete discharge. For this, it is necessary to detect a small hole on the surface of the invention. After that, it is worth arming yourself with a thin needle or other similar object. And carefully insert it into the connector for a few millimeters. A characteristic sound may be made.
How to reload jbl column

ATTENTION. It is recommended to do the procedure as carefully as possible, since at this stage it is quite easy to damage the inner surface.

  • Thus, all possible settings will be reset to factory defaults. And after re-inclusion, the initial characteristics will be available.

IMPORTANT. The presented goal can be achieved not only in one way. It is also possible to do this by using certain combinations. That is, at the same time you need to press both the “volume” button and the “play” button. Retention time varies from three seconds. After which the result will be similar to the previous one.

  • Perhaps a rather rare case, but it can also happen: oxidation of the power button. Many sellers can tell a potential buyer that the device is not only waterproof, but also waterproof. However, this is often true. Therefore, it is possible that the user may not specifically expose jbl to the ingress of various liquids. Due to this, the internal contacts deteriorate, and the invention fails.
  • In extreme cases, you can enable special DFU mode. Due to it, a firmware update will be activated. To do this, a sequence of buttons consisting of “connect” and “volume” is delayed. After which it remains to wait at least 10 seconds. To disable the named mode, you will have to attach the design to the charging and carry out a similar manipulation (pressing the same two parts).

Of course, if you are unsure of the veracity of your actions and guesses, it is better not to commit serious actions immediately. It is advisable to contact a service center in a timely manner or call the jbl manufacturer's hotline.

How to reload jbl column

How to reload jbl charge column

To do this as simple as possible using just two buttons. Detailed instructions are presented below:

  1. Take the device and find the call and power button on it. Moreover, the combination must be performed simultaneously.
  2. The waiting time can reach 30 seconds, therefore, you must wait.
  3. After that, the existing indicator (usually red) should go out.
  4. To turn on the equipment again, you need to click on a specific button to activate. Accordingly, a blue icon will then light up.

Thus, almost every model has a similar algorithm of actions regarding rebooting. This sequence can be used with various columns from the manufacturer jbl.

How to reload jbl column
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