Coaxial speakers: what is it, description and features

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Speakers - one of the most important accessories that are used with a computer, TV or phone. With their help, you can listen to your favorite music in good quality and with the appropriate volume, as well as watch movies or TV shows.

A huge number of different speaker models are presented on the modern market, and sometimes it can be quite difficult to understand them, especially for a beginner. For example, not everyone knows what coaxial speakers are, what are the features, advantages and disadvantages, and how they differ from other types of similar devices. You will learn about all this in this article.

coaxial speakers

What are coaxial speakers

The content of the article

  • What are coaxial speakers
    • Key Features
    • Benefits
    • disadvantages

To begin with, we determine that there are two types of speaker systems: component and coaxial. The difference is that the component is located in different buildings, and the coaxial - in one.

Coaxial speakers are such a device that has speakers of different frequency bands located on the same axis.

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Most often, such an accessory is installed in rather small spaces, for example, in a car.

car coaxial speakers

Key Features

Coaxial speakers have their own special design, which is not like any other. They have a low-frequency speaker, on one axis of which smaller heads are installed - they are responsible for reproducing sound at higher frequencies. Also an additional detail is a crossover - a block of filters that divide the frequency range between themselves.

An important point is that there can be several such heads at once. But in most cases it is a two- or three-way speaker system, which has received the most distribution. There are other models, but this does not greatly affect the sound quality.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such speakers? Are they better than component system devices?

than coaxial speakers are better


We list the main advantages of coaxial speakers, which make them very attractive to a potential buyer. Firstly, it is easy to install.

Unlike the component system, where each speaker has to be connected separately, here you will need to deal with only two outputs.

In addition, the cost of such a system is significantly lower than that of a component due to a simpler design. Another advantage will be a wide selection of models in the modern market, which allows you to choose the perfect device for your car.


Unfortunately, there are no ideal devices, so you should definitely pay attention to the disadvantages of coaxial speakers.

They need very careful care, because the ingress of any dirt or dust between the heads leads not only to a deterioration in sound quality, but sometimes to a complete breakdown of the accessory.

IMPORTANT! Also, it is easy to encounter fraud on the part of manufacturers - the declared number of bands may not coincide with reality.

On cheaper models, a capacitor is usually used as a crossover, and this has a significant impact on the overall sound quality. Therefore, when choosing, you should be as careful as possible and pay attention to all indicators.

Now you know what a coaxial system is and how these speakers differ from another type of acoustics - component. Given all the advantages and disadvantages of such devices, you can choose exactly what is ideal for you. In this case, your car will always sound your favorite music in excellent quality and with the appropriate volume, and the cost of the speakers will not hit your wallet hard.

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