PS / 2 keyboard does not work: why the keyboard on the computer may not work, what to do if the computer does not see the PS / 2 keyboard.

PS keyboard connector.Computer operation is a complex interaction between various components and devices. Only due to the presence of all components in good condition can the normal functioning of all systems be ensured. But unfortunately, the life of the equipment is limited, and periodically it fails. This applies to all types and models of devices, including keyboards.

Why the keyboard on the computer may not work

The content of the article

  • Why the keyboard on the computer may not work
  • What to do if the computer does not see the PS / 2 keyboard
    • Connector and wire test
    • Windows PS / 2 Keyboard Recovery

First of all, you should learn how to properly diagnose in order to identify and possibly eliminate the causes of malfunctions. Among the sources of faults, the following are most often distinguished:

  1. Mechanical damage to keyboard and connection system components. These problems occur when the wires are broken or bent, the case breaks due to a shock, or if the computer connector is broken. Also, do not forget about the accumulation of dirt under the keys and in the jacks for the cord.
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  3. Software violations. Among them, one can single out a virus infection, an outdated version of software or drivers.
PS2 keyboard.

ATTENTION! These are only the most common reasons - each case has its own characteristics. If you could not identify the cause yourself, you should contact the service center.

What to do if the computer does not see the PS / 2 keyboard

Recently, developers are trying to use other ways to connect keyboards. In the case of PS / 2, a problem may arise due to the lack of connection and visibility to the device.

To troubleshoot, you need a comprehensive diagnosis. After that, repair, replacement of components, software and drivers is possible. There is a chance to correct problems and return to normal operation.

Connector and wire test

As mentioned above, the first step is to check the connector for connecting the keyboard to the computer and the wire along the entire length for visible defects. If they are detected, it is recommended to clean, replace or repair the equipment. It is better to turn to professionals for help, since independent attempts to fix something can only worsen the situation and lead to damage to the product.

Checking the RS2 connector.

ATTENTION! Since keyboards with a PS / 2 connector are gradually losing ground to modern models, it is better to purchase new equipment with improved qualities and performance indicators.

Windows PS / 2 Keyboard Recovery

If the examination of the appearance did not give results, then the reason lies in the Windows software. In this case, you can try to return to normal operation. To do this, follow the plan:

  1. Use the right mouse button to select the line “Device Manager” in the “Start” menu.“Device Manager” in the “Start” menu.
  2. From the list of devices listed, go to the “Keyboards” item and click on the device you need.
  3. After that, select “Action” and “Delete” in the top line of the window. Remove the keyboard.
  4. Click on the start button again with the right mouse button, but this time go to the “Run” item.
  5. Using a virtual layout, type and type hdwwiz into the line. Press Enter and sign in.
  6. Among the proposed actions, activate the search and automatic installation of devices.

The program will do everything on its own, you just have to wait until it is fully loaded.

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