How to change language on-screen keyboard or replace

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On-screen keyboard - a virtual version of the ordinary classical computer keyboard built into the operating system. Windows developers have created it for people with disabilities. In addition, this function is useful in the event that no conventional computer models, or it broke. The apparatus is used with a computer mouse or any other pointing device.

how to turn onThe virtual version has all the same keys as in conventional models. Layout and language changes by the user. There are additional opportunities that anyone will understand. Inexperienced users are often faced with the problem of the activation function. After all, it is not fixed on the operation panel, and accordingly, to its cause, it is necessary to find the icon to start. How do we call the on-screen keyboard on the PC?

How to call the on-screen keyboard

The content of the article

  • How to call the on-screen keyboard
  • How to use the onscreen keyboard
  • How to change language in the Windows 7.8 and 10?

The virtual device is to be found in the "Accessibility Center." In addition to e-print capabilities, as the user has the ability to cause a screen reader or magnifier to enlarge the text. The main difference in the operating system - new versions of this item can be renamed or be in other settings section. The onscreen keyboard is built into all Windows systems.

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To begin to use it, for a start it is necessary to call. It is controlled with the mouse. Therefore, learn to use it will not be difficult. The device can be called if necessary or to leave is always active on the screen. In addition, the configuration parameters are set, that when you turn on your computer screen will automatically be displayed on the screen. Translate into English language is also easy.

For windose 8 and 10 to cause a virtual keyboard on the need to restore the bottom right corner. menu appears. Click on the search and the search box write "keyboard." In the list that appears, we find the desired icon, and open it. After that, it will appear on the desktop. In Windows 7, you need to activate hover over the "Start" icon, and similar to the above actions in the search box to find the desired item.

On a note: If you connected the main keyboard, and you need to call the sub-screen, then press the key combination «win + u».

command «osk» Another fast way calling virtual device serves. To display the keyboard you need to hold down the two keys «Windows + R». On the search bar appears on your desktop. It introduces special decoding: on-screen keyboard. And press search. After these steps, a virtual device to be activated immediately. The method is relevant for all versions windose.

How to use the onscreen keyboard

Use it very easily. All actions are performed computer mouse. If you want to enter text. Click with the mouse on the place where they should be characters and direct the course of the on-screen keyboard. Now we collect on it the desired characters. That they appear on the screen you need them again, left-click.

Also available on the device action by several keys. The keypad embedded dictionary, you can create your own. The program remembers all the words, and when you enter the first few characters are displayed options of words or phrases. So the user can quickly write the text you want.

On a note: Today on the Internet you can find additional tools of the virtual keyboard. They are installed like any other application. The user has the possibility to download the utility with a specific design features, etc. The main download files to trusted sources to protect your computer from viruses.

keyboard on windose 10 The virtual version arranged everything keys, as in the classic version. So use it easily enough. You can enter numbers, letters, signs and symbols. In addition, active buttons work. There Sticky mode to avoid pressing keys several risks. This feature will be useful for the baby. Also in the settings have speaker, which by pressing a key will be its voice. All the advanced features and capabilities of your computer, you can easily activate "Accessibility Center."

Remember! The functions of the settings you can change the desired settings, layout or other configurations for easy operation. Icon virtual device can be mounted on the operation panel. With it can always be easily cause or hide the keyboard while using the computer.

How to change language in the Windows 7.8 and 10?

screen keyboardTo change the language in the 7 or 8 versions of Windows, you must press the left mouse button «Alt» once. And then the key «Shift» twice the left mouse button. Then the language will be changed. In the case where the normal keyboard connected to a computer, and in working condition. Change language can be fast by pressing simultaneously on the «Alt» key and «Shift». If necessary buttons to change the language can be changed for convenience. Claudia layout changes in the device options, both virtual and real.

On any version of the operating system in the lower right corner there is a special button to change the language. To make the change, you need to press the left mouse button on the button «EN» or «RU» (depending on the language already selected), and select the desired language. In the list of available languages, you can add any. To do this, go to the language bar settings, and tick those languages ​​that need to be active.

Important! If you can not see the Language bar on the desktop. Place your cursor on the control panel and click the right mouse button. In the list that appears, put a check next to "Language Bar." Now, it will always be active and available for work.

On-screen keyboard - a convenient and accessible to all functions in the Windows operating system. With it, you can print different symbols and signs with the help of a computer mouse. This is a great helper for people with disabilities. In addition, it will be indispensable in the event that an ordinary Claudia became faulty, and urgently need to print something or find it on your computer.

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