How to clean the keyboard: with light pollution, disassembly and cleaning of the PC keyboard with heavy pollution.

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Keyboard cleaning.The keyboard is one of the essential elements of a computer. With prolonged use, the accessory is covered with dust, crumbs accumulate between the keys, grease or drops of liquid fall. In order to prolong the service life, the device must be regularly cleaned of accumulated contaminants.

How to clean the keyboard with light dirt

The content of the article

  • How to clean the keyboard with light dirt
  • Dismantling and cleaning the PC keyboard with heavy contamination
  • Spill Cleansing
  • Features of cleaning a laptop keyboard at home

The choice of method for cleaning a computer device depends on the degree of contamination. The accumulation of a small amount of crumbs between the keys, sticky or greasy traces, dust can be considered as light pollution.


  • wet rags;
  • compressed air tank.

Before cleaning, the keyboard must be disconnected from the computer. Then you need to turn it over and shake out all the crumbs. Residues can be removed with a hairdryer or can of compressed air. To remove dust, a damp cloth moistened with soapy water is useful. It is recommended to reuse a computer accessory after it has completely dried.

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A hairdryer for cleaning the keyboard.

ATTENTION! The hair dryer can be replaced with a car vacuum cleaner, wet rags with special napkins.

If the keys are greasy and sticky, alcohol will come in handy. A cotton swab must be moistened in an alcohol-containing composition, gently wipe the contaminated areas. Alcohol quickly evaporates from the surface, without exerting a negative effect on the contacts and without erasing the paint from the buttons.

Dismantling and cleaning the PC keyboard with heavy contamination

Disassembling the keyboard becomes necessary when it is very dirty.

First of all, you need to disconnect the device from the computer. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the bolts. They are located on the bottom of the keyboard. To remove the buttons, a screwdriver is also useful - it is convenient to pick up the key with a tool in order to remove it.

Using a screwdriver to disassemble the keyboard.

After disassembling, rinse the keys in a warm soapy solution. To wet excess moisture, a soft rag is useful. The case itself can be cleaned of dust and crumbs using a hairdryer. To eliminate greasy stains, alcohol is suitable. After the completion of cleaning work, dry the keyboard and keys completely. Assemble the device, it is possible only after the complete drying of all components.

REFERENCE! In order not to make a mistake with the location of the buttons, it is recommended to photograph the keyboard before disassembling.

Spill Cleansing

An accidentally spilled beverage can seriously damage a computer accessory. In case of careless use, urgent measures will be required:

  1. The keyboard should be immediately disconnected from the personal computer.
  2. Turn the appliance upside down, allowing spilled liquid to flow out from under the keys.
  3. Clean the housing from excess moisture. A paper towel or napkin is suitable for work.
  4. Moisture must be removed not only from the outside, but also inside. The case can be dried with a hairdryer, in the regime of cold airflow.
  5. At the end of the device should dry completely.
Inverted keyboard.

After cleaning work and complete drying, the keyboard can be connected to the computer. If the device does not work, you will need to consult a specialist.

Features of cleaning a laptop keyboard at home

A laptop, unlike a computer, has a built-in keyboard, the cleaning procedure of which should be carried out regularly. Old pollution significantly reduces the performance of the device.

Use special wet wipes for computers and laptops to remove dust. Dust particles clogged between keyboard elements can be removed using a special brush. In case of its absence, a regular brush, painting or art, is useful.

Cleaning the keyboard with a special brush.

REFERENCE! Many users use the popular toy - "lizuna". The mass is able to penetrate between the keys and completely clean the device from accumulated dirt.

Sometimes, when heavily soiled, some of the keyboard buttons begin to sink or are pressed with difficulty. When this problem occurs, a single item can be carefully removed from the device. When removing it, special care must be taken not to damage the latches that secure the key to the accessory. The button itself will need to be washed and thoroughly dried.

If liquid has been spilled onto the keyboard, the laptop must be turned off and turned over. This will help eliminate as much fluid as possible. Carrying out repairs on their own in the absence of appropriate skills is not recommended. Incorrect actions can cause a worsening of the situation. In some cases, careless actions and incorrect repair methods will lead to the fact that the laptop completely fails. In case of such damage, it is recommended to contact a specialized service.

The computer belongs to one of the main devices both in the house and in the office. With it, you can not only carry out important work operations, but also enjoy watching your favorite movie or a popular game. The keyboard is the main addition when controlling the device. Long-term use and careless actions cause contamination of the computer accessory, which reduces its performance. Compliance with the rules of operation and simple tips will help keep the keyboard clean.

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