How to restart the laptop using the keyboard: restart the computer with Windows 7, 8, 10 from the keyboard, if the laptop does not work using the keyboard.

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Keyboard.When updating a system, reinstalling drivers, or software crashes, situations occur when the mouse or touchpad of the laptop stops working, and to complete the operation, you must restart a computer. In this case, the only option to perform the necessary actions correctly is to use a keyboard to control the system. For many users, this is unusual, because everyone has long been accustomed to the graphical interfaces of the operating systems of the Windows family, and they don’t know how to work in them without the usual mouse. With the help of our tips you can easily cope with the task.

How to restart a laptop using a keyboard shortcut

The content of the article

  • How to restart a laptop using a keyboard shortcut
  • Rebooting a computer with Windows 7, 8, 10 from the keyboard
  • If you cannot restart the laptop using the keyboard

There are two main keyboard shortcuts “Alt + F4” and “Ctrl + Alt + Del” that work in all Windows operating systems that allow you to restart your computer using standard shutdown algorithms.

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Keyboard layout Alt + F4.

The standard key combination “Alt + F4”, which works in any version of Windows operating systems, closes the current window. However, if you have only the desktop open, this combination brings up a small window with a list that allows you to restart or shut down the computer. Just use the arrow keys to select the item you need and confirm your choice with the Enter key.

Similarly, the most popular keyboard shortcut for users is Ctrl + Alt + Del, which calls up the Windows task manager. In it, using the Tab keys and arrows for navigation, select the reboot item, and confirm the selection by pressing “Enter”. A reboot performed using the task manager works in most situations, even when a software malfunction (freeze) occurs.

Task Manager.

The least common reboot option that works on all versions of operating systems is to use the command line or the management console. To call the command line, press the key combination “Win ​​+ R”, and the Run window will appear in the lower left corner. In the input line of this window, enter "cmd" and press the "Enter" key, a command line will open in front of you.

In it, you can control your computer using a set of commands, rather than a graphical interface, almost like in DOS. In the line that appears, enter the command “shutdown / r” and press “Enter”. The computer will restart in less than one minute, and all unsaved data will not be lost.

Rebooting a computer with Windows 7, 8, 10 from the keyboard

In this section, we consider the commands that work in certain operating systems of the Windows family. The most different from all is Windows 8, this system is more focused on devices with touch screens, in which the Start menu, familiar to many users, has been replaced by a side panel.

To call it, use the key combination "Win + C". Navigation on the panel is carried out by arrows, confirmation of choice by the Enter key. To reboot, select the Parameters item, and it already has the necessary option: shutdown or reboot.

Win button.

ATTENTION! In Windows, which have a Start menu, it is most simple and safe to reboot by calling this menu with the Win key. Then using “Tab” and arrows for navigation, select the reboot item, and confirm the selection by pressing “Enter”.

If you cannot restart the laptop using the keyboard

If there is a serious malfunction in the software, and the laptop does not respond to the keyboard, there are several more cardinal ways to solve the problem. The first thing to do is to hold down the power button for a few seconds. This action will lead to a forced emergency reboot of the system, which can cause loss of information.

Power button on a laptop.

In very rare cases, it is not possible to reboot even using the power button. The most radical measure is to completely turn off the device. To do this, disconnect the laptop from the power supply, and disconnect the battery.

Here are the main ways you can restart your laptop without the help of a mouse and touchpad. We hope that our tips will be useful and you can easily cope with the task.

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