How to restart the MacBook from the keyboard: keyboard shortcut, shutdown button

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Sometimes you need to restart your laptop from Apple. This guide will show you how to make sure that it turns off itself and then immediately turns on again. You can use any Apple laptop using the method described here on any version of the system software. Mac OS software, including any iMac, MacBook Pro, MacBook, MacBook Air, Mac Mini, etc. Even older devices are capable of reboot.

Please note that this section covers traditional system restarts, which are often necessary after you install or uninstall software. It may also be useful to restart the computer when performance degrades. A regular system restart is not the same as a forced one: then the Mac freezes and stops responding and requires a forced restart.

How to restart the MacBook from the keyboard through the launchpad

The content of the article

  • How to restart the MacBook from the keyboard through the launchpad
  • Reboot with Control + Command + Power
  • Reboot using the power button

How to restart the MacBook from the keyboard through the launchpadAll Apple computers work the same, here's how to do it:

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  1. To start the software restart, click on the Apple menu in the upper left corner of the screen.
  2. Select an item from the Apple menu.
  3. In the confirmation dialog that appears, select "Restart".

After performing these steps, the device will instantly restart the operating system, closing all applications, even if something freezes, windows and programs. The system software then shuts down and initiates the process. If you don't click the Restart button, the Mac will automatically execute in sixty seconds. If you click the cancel button, you will return to what you did before.

A small note about the restart window: most Mac users want to re-open everything that they currently have open. Therefore, users leave this checkbox enabled, but you can turn it off if you do not want to open the windows again.

Reboot with Control + Command + Power

Reboot with Control + Command + Power
  1. In order to restart the system using this method, you first need to pinch and hold the Command and R keys on the keyboard at the same time, and with them press the button turning on the laptop. After that, release the button combination when the Apple logo appears.
  2. With these easy steps you started the process.

Reboot using the power button

Reboot with the power buttonIn order to perform the process in this way, you need to click on the power button, after which a window with some buttons will appear. Next, select the desired item. After completing this step, the computer will restart the system on its own.

There are also many other methods, but they are more complex and require more attention and effort. If you want to easily complete the process, then use the tips in this article.

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