How to turn off the keyboard backlight on a laptop

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Computer equipment allows you to perform various tasks, work with information and keep in touch with other users. However, for full-fledged work and the performance of all the functions of the equipment, it is necessary to ensure the interaction of various devices. To accomplish this task, manufacturers have developed various techniques for inputting and outputting information.

How to turn on and off the keyboard backlight?

The content of the article

  • How to turn on and off the keyboard backlight?
  • Why may the backlight not turn on?

gaming keyboard One of the important elements is the keyboard, its purpose is to enter data, perform various tasks and functions. Manufacturers are trying to improve their technology and add additional features to increase productivity. Recently, the option of highlighting keys has become popular. It helps you get the job done even in poor lighting conditions. In our article, we will talk about activation methods, how to disable this feature on a laptop in standard conditions.

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Important! Not all models have a backlight function, it is worth clarifying the availability of an option in the settings and basic parameters of the system or when buying a device.

Many users do not know how to properly connect the backlight on the technique. The main difficulty is associated with differences in models and versions of equipment. If you are faced with this situation, it is worth reading the instructions and instruction manual that comes with the documentation for the purchased equipment. In it you can find the necessary information and the algorithm of work.

In case of its absence or loss, you can find the necessary information on the Internet and consult with specialists before buying. For your convenience, we suggest you use the following methods:

  1. Connect the computer to a power source, connect the keyboard in one of the possible ways.
  2. After that, press the special key (usually F5 is used to activate).
  3. If this does not help, try using the keyboard shortcut Fn (function key on modern keyboards) and F5.
  4. You can also use special utilities to perform functions, they can be downloaded on the Internet at official sites.

In different versions of the hardware and operating system, the purpose of the keys may differ, you should know their purpose in advance and, if necessary, set the appropriate parameters in the settings.

Important! Information about the assignment of hot keys can be found on special sites on the Internet, you can also see their purpose in the main BIOS setup menu.

Why may the backlight not turn on?

keyboard backlightUsually this option does not cause activation difficulties. But in some cases, problems may arise in the implementation of the main task. The most common causes of malfunctions are:

  • Incorrect connection and configuration steps.
  • Mechanical damage to the elements, moisture, foreign elements in the housing.
  • Failure in the settings and parameters of the system.
  • The absence of this function on the keyboard model used.

Perform a self-diagnosis, inspect the appearance of the equipment and check the software. If possible, you can independently configure or repair. If you have a warranty, contact a service center for assistance.

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