What vegetables can be frozen in the freezer and how

Surely everyone while cooking faced with surplus fresh vegetables, which do not want to throw, but it is nowhere to put. At least, it often happens that bought vegetables is not enough and you have to re-buy new ones. Avoid these unpleasant situations is easy - just to learn how to freeze vegetables, to always have enough of them.

What is the freezing vegetables

The content of the article

  • What is the freezing vegetables
  • General rules for frozen fruits and vegetables in the freezer
    • Features freezing food in packages
    • freezing spices
    • Freezing vegetables mixtures
    • How to freeze to remain fresh vegetables

Freezing vegetables in the freezerIn the period of active consumption of greens and other products with the beds very few people may need to store vegetables in the freezer. Is that the most loyal to the vegetable dishes housewife who does not work to calculate the right amount for everyday cooking - they really did not hurt to have in the freezer several types of the most relevant products.

Important! Harvesting can be useful even for those who do not particularly like to cook. Fresh vegetables - a scarce material for skin and hair masks.

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But in the winter and autumn, when fresh vegetables do not get it (or not to buy at reasonable prices), the habit to freeze reserves of useful food may be useful. What vegetables can be frozen in the freezer? Having a large freezer, you can postpone the winter fresh vegetables or herbs, in order to save the time and place of their pre-chopped. So we can proceed with cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers - all of these products are not stored under normal conditions.

General rules for frozen fruits and vegetables in the freezer

What vegetables can be frozen in the freezerFirst and most importantly - watch the temperature. The principle of "lower is better" does not fit here. The optimum temperature for frozen vegetables in the chamber - -18 to -23 C. At lower rates (in the direction of the heat) the most succulent vegetables may not have time to freeze immediately and let the juice, which then turn into unpleasant ice. For large (in the direction of the cold) zastynut products so that they can lose their utility and taste.

Important! The ideal option would be containers for vegetables plastic containers. You can use one-time, such as those that sell fruit in supermarkets.

Label the containers, which will be vegetables. After a few months you will not have to remember where to put it, so that difficulties can arise when searching for specific products.

Features freezing food in packages

Freezing vegetables in batchesThat can be frozen in freezer bags? Not everyone will be able to use in the form of plastic containers sudochki, moreover, it is not very economical in terms of space, if you have big plans for the workpiece.

Will serve as a good substitute packets, but not simple cellophane (although in the absence of alternatives can take them too), and more dense with a buckle in the form of a clip-strip. These can be found in the department of household goods or office supplies.

Find a medium-sized bags, because moisture will accumulate in large and turn to ice, as if you carefully pack them either. Try to correctly fill the space inside the bag - do not fill all the way, but do not leave the air. Package status should be as close to a vacuum.

freezing spices

freezing spicesContrary to many myths about what green is useless after the freezer, freeze it, and lots of spices such as tarragon, bay leaf, lemon balm, rosemary, etc. can. Nothing happens, and if you correctly zapakuete seasonings, then pull out a them in exactly the same condition as when laid.

How to prepare the seasoning for the freezer:

  • wash them and leave to dry for a few hours - on the stems and leaf should be left as little moisture as possible;
  • do not overdo it, do not let the plants wilt;
  • fill the container tightly better (as a package, or plastic);
  • You can not worry about the fate of these seasonings entire winter season - in the camera they will be safe and sound.

Freezing vegetables mixtures

Freezing vegetables mixturesWhat products can be frozen in the freezer? The stores often you can see ready-made vegetable semi-finished products - a mixture of different vegetables that are connected in one package. To make such preparation can be the most, with based on their personal preferences in cooking. For example, you can make your brand vegetable set for borscht, stew, stew.

How to do it:

  • Select all the necessary vegetables (take large, high-quality copies without abrasions and rot, for that matter), rinse well and dry them;
  • Dice vegetables (ancillary products, which do not play a big role next dish, can be rubbed to save space);
  • Stir, remove the juice, if any;
  • A little posushite and as such closely pour into a package (but not so much that it literally bursting - remember that the cold extends the objects).

Important! For vegetable mixtures dense packages fit better than the containers. Very handy will clasp on the package, if the work is designed into multiple pieces.

How to freeze to remain fresh vegetables

Freezing fresh vegetablesThe whole secret is in the right grinding. For example, to get fresh tomatoes after a few months in the freezer compartment, you must cut it into slices or wedges. Thin slices quickly grabbed by frost and do not have time to turn into a tomato porridge, losing all the juice. To the tomatoes are not stuck in one lump, a little podmorozte them on a board or plate before you pour in the package.

Cucumbers can not freeze into thin slices - vegetables too watery and always slipnetsya from the cold. It must be cut into cubes, this form is perfect for salads, do not relate to this prejudiced if never tried.

Carrots can be cut into long "quartered" if it is needed for salads and stews, or grate on a coarse / fine grater if you Morozov it to soups or stews.

Do not immediately throw the vegetables into the camera, it will cause a sharp temperature drop. Prepare them a few hours in the refrigerator to cool down the products as follows.

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