Does the microwave heat badly? Reasons why the microwave may not heat up well

microwaveA microwave is an indispensable thing in the kitchen for many people. With its help, you can very quickly warm up food, it makes cooking comfortable and saves a lot of time.

But unfortunately, any technique gradually fails.

In such situation the main thing is to understand why the malfunction occurred. If a thing that is in constant use is broken, then you want to fix it as soon as possible, to apply again.

It should be remembered that the problem can be both serious and easily solved. Some of them can be completely eliminated by any person, while others should be eliminated by contacting a specialist.

In this article we will consider what kind of breakdowns of a microwave oven are and how to fix them yourself.

Why the microwave does not warm food well

The content of the article

  • Why the microwave does not warm food well
    • Common defects
    • Difficult cases
  • How to fix the malfunction yourself

Surely, for many it happened that the device worked, but did not warm the food. Below are the main reasons for this "behavior".

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Common defects

  • microwave repair required

    Most often this happens because microwave oven door does not close tightlyI. This is possible due to the length of use. Over time, the parts wear out, and such a minor malfunction occurs.

  • The next reason is large voltage drops or when it is too low.
  • Connecting multiple appliances to one outlet high power often causes a malfunction.
  • Also to the list of the simplest breakdowns can be attributed wrong mode selection functioning of household appliances.
  • Heavy pollution can also contribute to disturbances in the operation of the furnace.
  • The unit has several types of fuses, one of them may fail. It is not surprising that after this the microwave oven stopped heating the food.

Above, we examined the most common causes of non-serious damage that can be fixed on your own.

Difficult cases

the inside of the microwaveBut unfortunately, there are also problems that only qualified specialists can fixas well as people well versed in technology.

The following are faults of this kind. Despite the fact that they are the most difficult to eliminate on their own, we will show you how to do this at home.

  • One of them is the failure of the timer of the furnace or control unit, this breakdown most often occurs due to its long or illiterate operation.
  • In the microwave inverter type, one of the most famous failures is the failure of the inverter. He is responsible for saving energy, manufacturers claim that this type of microwave is better, but breakdowns occur more often.
  • If you have a conventional microwave, then instead of an inverter, a transformer may fail.
  • Damage to the electromagnetic lamp is possible in any type of furnace.

Important! The most unpleasant and “expensive” malfunction is the failure of the magnetron, this is the “heart” of the device, it is with its help that any microwave works.

Having examined all the possible defects and having decided which one is connected with your device, you can proceed with the repair. To do this, find out how to fix the breakdowns. We will consider them further.

How to fix the malfunction yourself

microwave repair

Let's start with the simplest options and move on to more complex ones.

  • If the door broke, and also when it closes loosely, you should check the part for a snug fit.

You can do this this way: slip a plain sheet of paper between the door and the oven. If it fits comfortably there, then you need to adjust the connection. This is done from the side of the castle. If necessary, it is tightened stronger.

  • Troubleshoot power surges the purchase of a stabilizer will help, and when connecting many devices to one outlet - and another outlet.
  • Under "wrong mode selection"Implies defrost function. If you mistakenly use this option, then the food will be very hot. Be sure to check and configure the desired program.
  • Heavy pollution microwave ovens are easy to fix. You just need to clean it.

Tip. This procedure should be performed as often as possible, including for the prevention of furnace operation.

  • When fuses fail they need to be replaced.

transformer testThey are under the back cover. To distinguish them from the workers is quite simple: the blown ones are black, and they will also be swollen. You can insert new ones yourself, you only need to buy parts.

  • Defect in the control unit can also be seen under the back cover. To do this, study all the fuses, diodes. If some have obvious differences from others, they must be replaced. After that, the control unit will be restored. An additional sign requiring intervention is loud noise or rustling when turned on.
  • If the inverter or transformer breaks down it is best to contact a certified master. He will be able to accurately determine the causes of the breakdown and only after that will eliminate them or replace the elements with new ones.
  • The most difficult failure is associated with the magnetron. It is a source of heat. In case of violations in his work, strong black deposits will be observed on the walls of the furnace, and very loud, humming or rustling sounds will appear. To clarify the performance, it is necessary to check it with an ohmmeter: if the part does not ring, you can not do without replacement.

Almost any damage can be repaired by yourself. But for some types of malfunctions it is better to consult a specialist so as not to aggravate the situation.

Advice! Carrying out preventive measures (cleaning, inspection, testing of parts) will help to avoid frequent breakdowns.

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