Solo microwave oven - what are the advantages and disadvantages of solo ovens

The microwave oven has wide capabilities and is indispensable in a modern kitchen. It helps to reheat food, unfreeze foods and does this automatically. The cost of a microwave depends on the functions, therefore, the choice of model is of no small importance.

Microwave solo description

The content of the article

  • Microwave solo description
  • Model selection
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Proper care
  • Top 3 Solo Microwaves

A microwave oven without grill and convection is considered the simplest and called a solo. The cooking process in such a furnace occurs under the influence of superfrequency waves on the product. The emitter (magnetron) is located in the furnace body, and for uniform heating there is a rotary table.

Solo microwaveHeated food is prepared in a microwave solo oven by heating, without frying and baking. All such appliances have a warm-up function. The main advantage of microwave solo ovens is the affordable price. If the house already has an oven, then this model would be an ideal option.

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Model selection

Before buying, you need to determine the performance and functionality of a particular model. The main points when choosing are:

  • Design and dimensions. Considering that the principle of microwave operation is the same for all models, initially the buyer selects the stove in accordance with the design of the kitchen;
  • Cost. Domestic buyer used to focus on price. The most cheap mechanically controlled furnaceshowever, sensory microwaves may have additional features:
    • Delayed start of cooking / heating;
    • Shutdown at the set time;
    • LED camera backlight, etc .;
  • Mark. Which company to give preference depends only on the personal desires of the buyer. Given the simplicity of the solo model, the choice is wide enough. Do not forget that the assembly, even at eminent brands, takes place in the countries of South Asia. But, famous brandsalthough of a higher price, developed network of service centers;
  • Options. Technical specifications are very important, therefore pay attention to the power of the model. The higher this parameter, the faster cooking takes place, which means energy is saved. The functions of the solo ovens are standard and basically do not differ;
  • Simple operation.Mechanical control, although it looks outdated, has its advantages:
    • Lower price;
    • Reliability and unpretentiousness in use;

Easy-to-operate models ideal for older peoplenot needing a lot of features.

  • Energy efficiency. Energy saving allows reduce utility bills. When choosing any household appliances, it is recommended to focus on class A, and the more there are “+” signs after this letter, the lower will be the cost of paying for electricity;

Advantages and disadvantages

Any household appliances, including solo microwaves, have pros and cons. The benefits include:

  • Low price;
  • Ease of care;
  • Long term of operation;
  • Speed ​​of inclusion;
  • Small dimensions.

Negative Parties are:

  • Limited features;
  • A minimum of models with automatic modes.

Proper care

Wipe the microwave with a rag

Caring for this category of microwave ovens is not difficult. Enough wipe the camera in a timely manner instrument after use. For cleaning, ordinary detergents are suitable. After cleaning, leave the door open for drying.

Top 3 Solo Microwaves

Most popular are:

  • Panasonic NN-ST254M

Despite its small dimensions, this model has a camera with a volume of 20 liters and a turntable of 25.5 cm. The largest working power of 800 watts. The maximum supported microwave power is 800 watts. The model is controlled by touch buttons, for convenience there is a multi-function display. Cooking / heating parameters can be set in manual or automatic mode. For the latter, 9 programs are provided, 3 for each function;

Panasonic NN-ST254M
  • Samsung ME81ARW

The small-sized microwave solo from a well-known brand has a colorful design. The working volume of the chamber is 20 liters and a rotary table with a diameter of 28.8 cm allows you to place a large number of products. In addition, the camera of this model is covered with bioceramics, which makes maintenance easier. The highest power of 800 watts;

Samsung ME81ARW
  • SUPRA MWS-1806MW

A small microwave with a working volume of 18 liters and a capacity of 700 watts. It has mechanical control using rotary switches.

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