How to check the capacitor in the microwave: multimeter readings

microwave condenserCapacitors in a microwave oven are used to equalize power surges that occur in the network during operation. This is very important for the proper functioning of the microwave.

The capacitor consists of two insulated conductors that are placed in a metal case. During inclusion, they interact in a circuit. Due to this, there is an accumulation of electricity.

At the moment when the voltage that the unit receives from the mains may not be enough for the furnace to work, the energy accumulated during operation is released. This prevents a sharp increase in voltage.

Details vary based on the maximum energy storage capacity.

The type of capacitor used in the device depends on the microwave oven itself, its power and design.

Capacitor check

The content of the article

  • Capacitor check
    • How to find a capacitor in the microwave
    • Using a multimeter to check
  • Symptoms of a healthy and faulty capacitor

If you have a need to check the serviceability of this element in a microwave oven, you need to approach this matter responsibly. This will prevent damage to other electronics located in the microwave.

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Usually, they are engaged in verification when a malfunction is detected or in the presence of other failures in the correct operation of the microwave.

Below is an instruction on how to perform the check correctly and with which instrument it is better to do it.

How to find a capacitor in the microwavecapacitor check

  • When working with a capacitor, there is a chance of interaction with high voltage and this can be very dangerous. In order to protect yourself from the possible negative effects of current, you must first turn off the microwave from the network.
  • Unscrewing the back cover on the device, you must remove the cover panel.
    Depending on the design of the furnace, it will not be difficult to find a capacitor, it is enough to know approximately how it looks. Usually the part is near the transformer.
  • No matter how long the device has been without power, it is necessary be sure to defuse detail.

Important. The capacitor has the ability to accumulate electricity. In order not to get an electric shock even after turning off the furnace, it is necessary to release the stored energy.

Only after the above operation, you can begin to work with him.

Using a multimeter to check

multimeter to checkFor diagnosis, you will need a special device - a multimeter. Its functions include testing various electrical appliances or individual parts.

To check with a multimeter the device is configured in ohmmeter mode. A multimeter prepared for operation is connected to a capacitor.

IMPORTANT: for correct measurement, it is necessary to set the maximum possible limit on the device.

The limit depends on the type of device, so each one has his own.

After the first reading of the readings, it is necessary to rearrange the probes in places and follow the dynamics of the change in the resultdisplayed on the device.

However, verification by this method occurs at a low rate. Usually at this voltage for high-voltage capacitors, if they have a leak or are broken by a short circuit, the breakdown is not determined.

In order to avoid such inaccuracies, you can use a megohmmeter with an external high voltage source equal to the operating value of the capacitor.

Among the main megaohmmeter models suitable for such verification, we can distinguish such as:

  • PU182.1 (500 V);
  • PU186 (2500 V);
  • KEW-3125 (5000 V).

Symptoms of a healthy and faulty capacitormultimeter readings

Initially, symptoms of malfunctions can include various power outages during microwave operation, as well as a short circuit.

When checking with a multimeter on the basis of indications on the display during contact of the probes, you can determine how well the capacitor works and whether there are any problems with it.

  • If during the test the display shows number one and indicators do not change - it means that there was a break in it and it you can safely throw it away. Such parts are considered defective.
  • If the display shows constant slight resistancemeans there was a leak leaking capacitor must also be replaced.
  • If the device shows zero resistance and data will not growthen the capacitor is broken, that is, a short circuit has occurred in it.
  • Finally, if the contact of the probes the resistance indicator is minimal, but then gradually increases, until the unit is displayed on the multimeter, this means that the capacitor is working. It can be safely used in work.

Thus, knowing all of the above nuances when using a multimeter, you can easily determine a working part or is subject to replacement.

Timely verification of such critical details of the microwave oven will help to keep it operational longer.

Observing all the rules, the procedure, and also having little knowledge in electrical engineering, it will not be difficult to identify the problem and eliminate it.

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