What can be done from the transformer of a microwave oven: ideas and tips

microwave transformerMicrowave oven is today in virtually every kitchen. Manufacturers are improving device, equipping them with additional functions, giving all the new features.
Grow old furnace model sometimes simply discarded. But to do so not worth it! After all its constituent parts still serve in the right hands.

The idea of ​​using microwave components

The content of the article

  • The idea of ​​using microwave components
    • How do former transformer power supply
    • Welding machine
  • Tips for using the transformer

Copper wire for the coil winding executed several rows and metal plates often remain workable even after microwave out of order. Therefore, get rid of it yet.

Proposed use of the transformer of a microwave oven.

How do former transformer power supplyof the transformer - PSU

  • Remove the item from the microwave.
  • Remove the metal plate. To do this you need tools (screwdriver, a chisel).

Council. If you apply the grinder, the work will be able to perform better. At the same time care must be taken not to damage the windings.

  • 3 Carefully remove the coil.
  • instagram viewer
  • It will need one of the big, calculated on 220 for the power supply V. It is thicker than the other, but use less wire.
  • Wind the desired coil to coil.
  • Place the coil on the core having the shape of the letter S.
  • Perform calculations for the second winding layer. This is done by experimentation. Begin with 10 turns on the core. Then, a voltage is applied across both windings, measuring data of the one which consists of 10 turns. When index equal to 10, operation can be continued. The final number of turns depends on how much power you need to get.
  • Fix core.

PSU Basis ready. For his final manufacture will need to design it in a special case and equip the diode bridge and a capacitor.

Called this way of working can hardly be simpler. However, the time-consuming process, you get a powerful power supply, the acquisition of which would require considerable resources.

welder of the transformerWelding machine

Even minor repairs in the house or in the garden often requires welding.

If you have unnecessary microwave, you can make yourself comfortable and reliable device for spot welding.

  • The transformer is taken out of the microwave.
  • Remove the existing secondary winding.
  • Make a new winding using wire whose diameter is not less than 10 mm.

Important. If you do not have a thick wire, it can be replaced by several thinner wires. The main thing is that the sum of their diameters was more than 10 mm.

Tips for using the transformer

  1. When working with a thick wire can remove his thick insulating layer and replace it with tape, one side of which has a base fabric. In this case, the winding will make it easier.
  2. If you are working on a welding machine, keep in mind that it is suitable for joining thin sheets of metal.
  3. For welding of thick plates and increasing the power you'll need a second transformer.
17.09.2018 at 10:30

Yes, wound-ka "provodochek" 10 mm at least for something ...

To answer
18.09.2018 at 23:08

"... Then, a voltage is applied across the two winding ..."
Author, try it for yourself, preferably with online broadcasting. What would others for whom you're convinced that you read is not necessary. At the same time feyervek have seen all ...
"... The final number of turns depends on how much power you need to get ..."
And here it is clear that the author teaches us electrician, and he did not even know the elementary school knowledge: power, current, voltage
Then I did not read ...
Where such ignoramuses come from? Is this the current education?

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