Most modern hair clippers according to the type of work similar to the Soviet razor. They are an indispensable equipment for professional hairdressers. Many consumers buy these devices for home use. But as with any technique as a machine can break, which is why they need emergency repairs. What could be the reasons for failure of the device, and whether you can fix them yourself at home?
What kinds of clippers on the market
The content of the article
- What kinds of clippers on the market
- Why clipper not strizhot
- Faults clippers that you can correct yourself
The modern market offers a wide variety of models, but they are divided into two categories:
- rotary;
- vibration.
Rotary machines - devices are quite expensive segment in the field of modern tools for hairdressers. These models are found in two versions:
- running from the mains;
- operating on battery.
Among the major advantages provided by the aggregates can be distinguished long service life, reliability, and high power.
The main moving parts of such devices is an electric motor, the rotor is placed eccentric.
The torque it acts on the movable knife, thereby moving it from side to side. Furthermore, in this unit has a blade unit and which consists of a static and active parts.ATTENTION! The clipper, works offline in case placed the battery and control board.
Vibration models belong to the budget category. The device coil motor is replaced, and before it there is a pendulum having a magnet. At the time of passage of the current through the coil, the magnetic field begins to change in the polarity of its core 50 Hz with index. In view of the above, the magnet changes the location on a regular basis, and thus moves the movable knife. Also, in this model there is also the activation key.
Why clipper not strizhot
Depending on the hair clipper will be different and the nature of the fault. Thus, in the rotary models powered by the electrical network may experience the following breakdown:
- problems with the cable connected to the network (blown, peretorsya, etc...);
- He broke the activation key;
- the eccentric load;
- Problems associated with the head block for shearing blades;
- broken electric motor.
Stand-alone model of rotary devices may disappoint consumer problems such as:
- breakdown or battery charge output;
- broke the charging station;
- peretorsya cord charging stations;
- burned the control board.
Vibration models also are not the most reliable equipment, and often sorrowful consumers a variety of faults. Among the main breakdowns include:
- problems with the power cord;
- failure of activation keys;
- broken coil winding;
- during operation appeared noises.
ATTENTION! To extend the life of the machine and to prevent the emergence of some failures, you need to regularly lubricate the device with a special oil.
Also indicated breakages can be isolated and some general breakdowns for each type of machine. These include: the unit does not cut hair or miss pieces, pulls or "zazhevyvaet" them.
Faults clippers that you can correct yourself
Some damage to the consumer can easily eliminate his own, having no experience or special knowledge:
- The rotary machine dimmed lights, and is launched. This reason is due to blockage of the rotor or eccentric. To eliminate the body must be disassembled, remove impurities, and then re-check the unit for operation. Also, the reason may be related to a fall of the device. In such cases, a high probability of disconnection of internal wires of the power. To eliminate the need to open the housing, and in the case of disconnecting the wires to solder them back.
- Do not run a stand-alone rotary machine. Most likely, the reason lies in a faulty power supply, which is simply not charge the battery. To eliminate the damage it is necessary to disassemble and inspect the coil on the open circuit. If such is the case, you will need to replace the spool or simply buy a new power station.
- Extraneous noise vibration during operation of the machine. In this situation it is necessary to open the case and check the position of the coil. Sometimes the screws that hold the item, can spontaneously spun down and end up working, the machine is very noisy. In this case, simply screw the bolts back and again enjoy operability hairdressing equipment.