How to sharpen clipper home: the need sharpening, the preparatory process, available methods, useful tips

Hair clippers are faithful companion in any home. They help save a lot of family budget and self-learn the new art. Due to the frequent use of the appliance blades become blunt. Solve this problem can be yourself using a few simple techniques. How to sharpen clipper home? It's quite simple.

the need sharpening

The content of the article

  • the need sharpening
  • Preparatory process
  • available methods
    • We use professional tools
    • grinder
    • Lathe
    • Bar and sandpaper
    • sanding machine
  • helpful hints

Clipper HouseRegularity of sharpening is dependent on the blades used in the clipper. Each manufacturer with a complete set uses different materials, which affects the quality of life and work. Most devices use components made of steel alloys and coated titanium layer. Some manufacturers use ceramic products. The life of such a lot longer, pottery rarely need sharpening. The need to sharpen the blades depends on the frequency of use. When working immediately becomes apparent that the machine needs to be sharpened: in bad haircut shear cover, the knives may pull hair. In such a situation it is necessary to interrupt the work of hairdressers and sharpen the blade.

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Preparatory process

Before the work is necessary to disassemble and clean the clipper. Knives carefully unscrew and extract the lower blade. This component is small in size, so you can use the tweezers for more comfortable operation.

IMPORTANT. It is necessary to remember the location of all components in the device. To do this, you can take pictures of the machine consistently in the analysis.

After analysis of the need to clean all the parts. Contaminants remaining between the blades hair, dust easily removed with a brush. In addition, you can use a damp cloth tight. All items and gently wipe the surface to be cleaned, dried.

Parse clipper

In most cases, it is sufficient for the same work unit. Many manufacturers equip their products with auto-sharpening. If an unsatisfactory result remove knives using a suitable screwdriver. Now you can start the process.

available methods

Spend sharpening knives, you can use handy tools. Job options:

  • using a special kit;
  • the use of a grinding machine;
  • lathe;
  • block and sandpaper;
  • sanding machine.

Materials suitable for sharpening, are available in every home. Work process takes less than 15 minutes.

We use professional tools

Special set for sharpening details allows you to quickly hone components without the use of special skills and abilities. To work with a given set of fairly simple.

Before operating the machine must be disassembled. Carefully wipe the surface of the aluminum disk, clearing it from possible contamination. Treat the surface with oil (it is included). Apply oil on top of the abrasive powder.

professional kitWith a special magnetic pin fasten the knives and laser pointer. It is necessary to ensure that all components are securely fastened. You can now turn on the device, indicating the appropriate speed (it is specified in the instruction manual). Next, we proceed to the sharpening. Cutting portion presses the blades to the rotating disk. To sharpen one knife on average requires 2 minutes. If the process is carried out for the first time, you may need a little more time. Operations are to observe safety precautions and act very carefully. Sudden movements can cause damage or damage to components. After sharpening wash components and carefully wipe. Putting the machine.

IMPORTANT. You must make sure that all the liquid has been collected from the surface of parts.


Many experts recommend to abandon this method, since the grinder blades can cause a state of disrepair. However, this method is very popular among users.

Disassemble for sharpening clipper We reach and knives. Start the grinder in operation. Carefully tray knives to the disk for a short time. Sharpening one side will take about 2 minutes. After completing the disable device formed surface cleaned from contaminants.


Operation of this device greatly simplifies the task. In addition to the work required abrasive paste.

Special weight is distributed over the disk surface, with the anchoring blades magnets. Carefully sharpen. After the end of all components should be washed under running water, remove the remnants of pasta. Carefully we wipe and dry. The machine is ready for the same operation.

Knife sharpening

IMPORTANT. When working with a lathe should observe safety precautions.

Bar and sandpaper

This method is among the most familiar. Sandpaper and bar are available in every home. The bar is used for sharpening kitchen knives, sandpaper is characterized by a broad scope.

By arranging the cutting knives base gradually spend on emery paper. After some time, the component will be honed. In the case of the bar to carry out similar actions. When working with a bar may be used water. It provides lubricating and cooling effect. After work wash tool from the resulting dust and dry thoroughly.

sanding machine

This method is considered to be the easiest. Sanding machine will quickly and accurately sharpen the necessary detail.

For carrying out the process we possess knives anchorages therebetween we place a thin sheet of sandpaper. Turn on the machine, we wait for the necessary time. Within a few minutes, all the components will be sharpened. Wash and clean the knives, collect the device.

helpful hints

A few simple tips will help extend the life of the machine and have the correct sharpening knives.

  1. Knife sharpeningMachine and its components must be cleaned after each use.
  2. Store unit in a dry and clean environment.
  3. If you use the device with a ceramic knife, it is necessary to choose a particular method of sharpening.
  4. During operation on the machines should observe safety precautions: protect eyes, not have the fingers close to the cutting device. This will help prevent injury.
  5. Knives should periodically applying oil (vegetable suitable). This helps to avoid premature corrosion.

Clipper has long been a mandatory instrument in almost every home as hiking in the professional hairdressers often do not bring the desired result. With regular use of knives lose their properties. A few simple techniques will help you to sharpen your own with a minimum of personal time.

11.01.2018 at 04:35

A house does sheared? If shear, where, in what place?

To answer
11.06.2018 at 14:22

It is the 1st place for dibilizm Wikipedia - the presence in the house turning or grinding machine just as the presence of stools

To answer
14.02.2019 at 15:08

Not every million city can find an expert who knows how to rule the blades clippers. What are the amateurs give advice, so you just throw away their cars after sharpening.

To answer
21.02.2019 at 13:40

Mow only home since 2000. The process of going to the bathroom. From the current master and the prices in the bars, even economy class, many times justified the purchase clippers with a variety of attachments and do not regret.

To answer
How to sharpen clipper home: the need sharpening, the preparatory process, available methods, useful tips

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