How to make a filter for a coffee machine with your own hands and how you can replace it

Why do I need a filter for a coffee maker

The content of the article

  • Why do I need a filter for a coffee maker
  • We make filters at home
    • From paper
    • From fabric
    • From kapron
    • Metal filter
  • Disadvantages of filters made at home

Paper filterCoffee is one of the most popular drinks in the whole world; many people today cannot imagine morning without a cup of this beautiful, invigorating and tonic remedy.

Modern industry has stepped towards humanity and has simplified the process of creating this drink as much as possible by releasing many machines for making coffee. At home, coffee makers with filters are very popular, as this is the simplest design to get an excellent aromatic drink.

It consists of two containers: cold water is poured into one, and cooked coffee enters the second. After turning on the coffee maker, water enters the tube and there heats up and turns into steam. Naturally, vapors rush up the tube and condensate forms at the very end of the tube, which has the optimum temperature required for welding, namely 95–96 degrees Celsius. Further, this condensate enters the filter, where the pre-ground ground product is located. And here comes the transformation of ordinary water into a wonderful and beloved drink by everyone - the process is called tea leaves.

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It should be noted that the final result will depend on the quality of the filter. You can safely conclude that the filter in the coffee machine is one of the key details that is important to give shades and palatability to your favorite drink.

We make filters at home

Homemade FiltersBut in life there is always a place for unforeseen circumstances. It may happen that your machine works, but the coffee does not work, because the filter element has failed.

There can be many reasons for this: starting from a commonplace marriage in production and ending with ordinary wear and tear “from old age”. So, we will consider what can be done for a coffee maker at home and think about how you can replace the filter material.

From paper

The first and easiest way - This is the creation of a paper filter, since there is no doubt that it is in the household (paper, napkins, paper towels).

Important! You must understand that in this case, not every paper product is suitable. The first thing you need to pay attention to is that there is no printed matter on the sheet or drawings, as printing materials often use materials that are harmful or even dangerous for human health, be careful! The second important aspect to remember before creating a hand filter is the ability of paper. let water pass through itself, so if you take very dense material, then the time it takes for water to pass through itself can increase very much substantially. Or vice versa, if you take low-quality cellulose products of too low density, then, most likely, your newly made filter will simply “decay” from exposure to water, and will not filtering. Choose something average for the best quality of cleaning.

Reference! Test your sample for how it interacts with water before you make a filter out of it.

Paper filtersIt is worth noting that it will be convenient to use thick paper napkins or towels as the material. But preference should still be given in favor of high-quality paper towels, since this product possesses high porosity, and as a result of which it passes water very quickly through itself, retaining large particles. By the way, cutting towels is also very convenient, and can be applied to a coffee maker of any size.

From fabric

FiltersIf the necessary paper was not in the household, then you can use the second option - these are filters from all kinds of fabrics (cotton towels, sheets, gauze, bandage).

For example, cotton towels can perfectly clean your brewed coffee.

Important! It is also worth paying attention to the fact that towels and sheets can have different color options and when exposure to high temperatures can also add unwanted chemical elements to your drink composition. For a better and safer filtration, try to use white or slightly colored materials. An ideal option would be a medical gauze bandage or regular gauze. But due to their specificity, it is advisable to use them in several layers, for better cleaning.

Important! The bandage must be rinsed before its first use as a filter material, otherwise you run the risk of getting an interesting “medical” aftertaste.

It is worth saying that not a single fabric will hold all the coffee grounds in itself, but for some connoisseurs of this this fact is an advantage rather than a disadvantage, as the coffee will be brighter and more saturated aroma.

From kapron

The third option for creating a do-it-yourself cleaning filter is very unusual, since the material for this product is women's nylon tights. Using them, you will get a good result, since they pass water very quickly and filter coffee grounds well. Interestingly, they can be used repeatedly.

Metal filter

Metal filterAnd the latest version of a home-made filter for cleaning coffee makers is the use of metal strainers from teapots.

The disadvantage of this method is that the strainers themselves are very small, quickly clog and slowly pass the filtered fluid. Usually after their use this unique drink turns out to be very weak in taste and can even be said to be simple, it loses its charm.

Disadvantages of filters made at home

But using the above materials as a filter, you need to understand that this is a temporary solution, although it is very convenient, since you do not need to wash it after this procedure, you just have to throw it away.

Such devices do not fully perform functions, so do not delay with the acquisition of a filter, which can be found in any household appliance store, they can be either reusable or disposable use.

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