Why the sewing machine does not capture the bobbin thread: possible causes of the problem and malfunction

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sewing shuttleThanks to the development of technical inventions, special machines for embroidering clothes were invented and developed. Over time, their construction and design underwent many changes and became available for personal use. Now every seamstress and hardworking housewife has a special sewing machine. Thanks to her, she creates her masterpieces and pleases them with her relatives and friends, inventing new images and models. Its advantages are speed and good quality product creation.

But unfortunately, it often happens that the device does not work properly and there is a risk of rupture of the thread and fabric. Often the problem is due to improper grip of the thread. This problem is quite easy to solve on your own. In our article we will analyze the possible causes of malfunctions and tell you how to solve it.

How does the sewing shuttle work?

The content of the article

  • How does the sewing shuttle work?
  • Possible reasons why the shuttle does not grab the bobbin thread
  • How to troubleshoot a sewing machine if it does not catch the thread
    • If there is no technical malfunction
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The main element that ensures the operation of a modern device is a sewing shuttle. In order to understand the possible causes of malfunctions, you need to know the principle of its functioning.

How does the sewing shuttle work?

A spinning shuttle captures the thread at the right time with the help of a specially pointed nose. A needle is used to thread the thread, which carries out quick movements up and down vertically. Depending on the year of manufacture of the model and the cost of the product, the cars differ in speed and reliability of the device. But the principle remains unchanged and is carried out only thanks to the jewelery selected and combined work of the shuttle.

IMPORTANT! For proper operation and high-quality seam, you need to very accurately calibrate the needle and that part of the shuttle that grabs the thread.

Possible reasons why the shuttle does not grab the bobbin thread

To correct the cause of the problem, you need to conduct a thorough inspection of the sewing machine and identify the source of the problem. Basically, they are of the following types: technical problems and the human factor.

  1. Possible reasons why the shuttle does not grab the bobbin threadThe dull part of the shuttle that grabs the thread. She just slides off him.
  2. Misalignment and misalignment of the needle or shuttle.
  3. The needle holder does not provide sufficient entry of the thread and its correct capture.
  4. Incorrectly selected threads. It is important to use such a thread at the bottom so that it is thinner in diameter than the top. At the same time, she also has her own limitations on thickness.
  5. The needle used does not fit the selected fabric type.
  6. Also, the work will not be carried out with a sharp break in the thread. In this case, the shuttle will spin in vain.

There are other causes of the malfunction, for example, contamination of the working surface or its damage. Carefully inspect the housing.

How to troubleshoot a sewing machine if it does not catch the thread

After you inspect the machine and identify the source of the problem, you can begin to eliminate it. Proceed according to the reason, you need to fix the deficiencies found. Here is a sample action plan:

  1. How to troubleshoot a sewing machine if it does not catch the threadCheck the thread tension, first manually adjust, and then go through the test stitch and adjust again.
  2. Thoroughly clean the rotating part of the hook. It is possible that small scraps, villi and other parts can get into it. It is important to remove everything even from under the bottom edge.
  3. If rust is detected or the needle is bent, it must be replaced.
  4. If necessary, it is recommended to lubricate working parts and assemblies.

If these procedures did not help, and the machine continues to malfunction, you should contact the wizard for help. He will be able to identify the cause and repair it.

IMPORTANT! It is not necessary to independently replace important structural parts, this can lead to breakage and damage to the machine.

If there is no technical malfunction

correct threadingIt is important to consider the human factor, perhaps the reason lies in it. It happens that the tool is absolutely serviceable, but the fact is that the seamstress incorrectly installed and threaded the thread. The work of the machine also depends on this.

Set the thread correctly at all stages of threading, from installing the bobbin to threading the needle into the eye. Observe the tension at all stages to prevent the thread from being too loose and to prevent the possibility of rupture.

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