Aquafiltering vacuum cleaner with your hands: the order and production scheme

  • aquafiltering vacuum cleaner with your handsCleanliness and order in the house - the key to the health of the family, especially those who suffer from allergic reactions to dust. This is a truth we know from childhood. A broom, a bucket with a rag - known assistants, but comes from the last century. The modern generation of the ability to use to restore the purity of vacuum cleaners.

Home appliances market crowded with different types of devices, but developers are not standing still. They constantly modify and improve their models.

Deserved popularity acquired models with aquafiltering. Thanks to them, the vacuum cleaner began to absorb all the pollution, delay fine dust particles, without reverse emissions into the room.

To buy a new vacuum cleaner is not required. Water filter vacuum cleaner can be made with your own hands. We will tell you what is needed for this.

Independent production aquafiltering

The content of the article

  • Independent production aquafiltering
    • What is a water filter in the vacuum cleaner
    • Homemade water filter
    • Embodiments manufacturing filters
      • With foam filter
      • separator
  • instagram viewer
  • How to make a water filter to
    • From a bucket or pan
      • Materials and tools
      • Operating procedure
    • From pots and plastic bottles
      • Materials and tools
      • Operating procedure

What is a water filter in the vacuum cleaneraquafiltering in pyylesose

Aquafiltering - a special container in the vacuum cleaner, which is filled with water. Passing through the vessel, the sucked air is cleaned from dust.

there is several ways to clean.

  • hookah.
  • Separate. It acts as a cyclone.
  • shower. With the function of additional moisture.

Important! All water filters greatly improve the quality of cleaning and humidify the air in the room.

The tank water filter bags more durable dust and does not require frequent replacement. For capacity easily maintained. It is only necessary after the cleaning liquid is poured dirty, rinse with clean water container, wipe with a cloth.

Many advantages, but confusing when buying an aqua-vacuum cleaner can be a fact, the high cost of the device. If you're not willing to shell out a tidy sum for a miracle cleaner, it can be made from scrap materials its homemade counterpart. Driving and operating procedure, izlodennye article will help in this.

Homemade water filteraquafiltering own hands

Made with their own hands more detail at its core will also have any container with water. On external characteristics of it, of course, will be inferior to the brand instances. But the strength and efficiency of suction, and most importantly, the quality of cleaning will be worthy of its replacement.

Equipped with additional purification element may be cheap or old unit bought previously.

Important! Added aquafiltering increase the capacity of the device, will allow less change the filter in itself, as it becomes an additional link, set up the vacuum cleaner.

Because of 90% of the dirt particles deposited in water, Garbage container in a vacuum cleaner for a long time is not filled. This is especially important when cleaning the premises after repair or construction activities.

Embodiments manufacturing filters

Variants several manufacturing water filter. Consider the most popular and suitable for home alterations.

With foam filterwith foam

Work is carried out with the replacement filter foam factory, complete aquafiltering output.

The low-end phones often manufacturer sets the input filter of several layers of dense material. Therefore, the vacuum cleaner loses half of its capacity. It should replace it with the coarse foam, and the unit zadyshit, with greater force begins to suck in the trash, and the work will be quieter.

Water filter from the pot, plastic bottles and flexible hose is attached at the outlet.


High performance and easy to cope with different kinds of contaminants. This occurs in stages, beginning in the separator, and then in aquafiltering. In vacuum cleaners of purchased items are combined with one hull. The separation of dust particles from the air takes place under the influence of centrifugal force.

the separator function is rapid liquid rotates with a litter that settles under pressure into the water. All particles remain in the filter and not fly back.

How to make a water filter to

In every house there is unnecessary bucket, pieces of pipes or hoses. If you are a lover of the experiments and are willing to put a bit of effort, you will be able to make a simple and cheap simple revision of the vacuum cleaner.

We offer simple options for the execution of the work. They do not include the production of a separate filter. This modification in the independent performance of more complex, require additional elements and skills of handling equipment. Besides container under the filter and fasteners need to find a separator, a pump and a fan, suitable to each other in height and size.

Let us turn to a more affordable way to manufacture the filter by hand.

From a bucket or panfrom a bucket

Materials and tools

To work you need to cook capacity 7-10 liters. This can be a plastic bucket (for example, of paint, putty) or pan. The presence of a tight-fitting lid is necessary.

In addition, the need 2 plastic pipe segment, the tissue clamps, drill, glue.

Operating procedure

  • At the bottom of a need drill hole diameter plastic pipe.
  • The insert hole section of plastic pipe, Which will then attach the hose of a vacuum cleaner.
  • On the outer side to fix coat with glue joints,
  • On the inner side of the cover close the pipe piece of tissue anchoring clamp. The fabric serves as an additional barrier that reduces the amount of dust particles caught in the vacuum cleaner bag.
  • The side of the bucketcut a circular hole a second tube section.
  • Insert it into the container obliquely downward fix adhesive. It will strengthen the hose from the vacuum cleaner for cleaning the nozzle.

The air coming out of this tube into the bucket, will fight on his wall, spinning rubbish and creating a centrifugal force. Rubbish not sucked into the vacuum cleaner, and settles in water poured into the container in advance improvised aquafiltering. We pour a little liquid. It should not be up to the pipe.

From pots and plastic bottleswith a bottle

Materials and tools

For its production need aluminum pan, 5-liter plastic bottle that will fit in the pan, hose and screws.

Operating procedure

  • To facilitate the design, cut out the bottom of the pan.
  • Shackle for fastening screws container with a vacuum cleaner at the air outlet location.
  • In the bottle several drill holes, pour about a liter of water and insert it into the pan.
  • One end of the hose into the adapter fastened on the vacuum cleaner, and others fall into the bottle.

type in a bucket of water before you start cleaning, reconnect all hoses and close the cap. After the procedure is necessary removing the lid from the bucket, pour its contents, cleaned and dried container.

Proceed to the embodiment of the water filter manufacturing plan only after careful consideration of all available information and a realistic assessment of their capabilities.

In this case, the upgrade process will be successful, and you will become the owner of a modern device for cleaning the apartment. After completion of your vacuum cleaner can clean not only the various surfaces in the room, but also freshen the air in it.

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