What noise level should the refrigerator have - low, medium and high in decibels

FridgeThe noise level during operation of the refrigerator is an indicator of the volume of its operation when performing its main tasks. According to GOST standards, the norm should not exceed 53 dB. According to the classification, indicators are divided into 3 types:

  • 25 - 34 dB - low;
  • 35 - 44 dB - medium;
  • 45 dB or more is high.

What affects the formation of noise during operation of the device

The content of the article

  • What affects the formation of noise during operation of the device
    • Which refrigerator is the most silent
    • Which refrigerator is better?
      • Top 5 quietest models
    • What to rely on when choosing a device depending on future use
  • How to reduce the noise level of the device
  • Do-it-yourself solutions
    • In which cases it is better to contact the master

The noise during the operation of the refrigerator is formed as a result of work:

  • Compressor It provides the maintenance and formation of a low temperature regime. When turned on, it may come into contact with other parts and form vibrational noises.
  • instagram viewer
  • Refrigerant. When traveling in tubes, it makes sounds resembling gurgling or gurgling.
  • Relay. Every time you turn it on and off, it creates sounds that look like clicks.
  • Fan. They provide airflow to the chambers with a stream of cold air, but at the same time create noise.

Reference! The two-compressor structure of the refrigerator produces much more sounds than the standard one-compressor.

Which refrigerator is the most silent

Silent is the device that during its operation does not emit more than 40 dB. Unfortunately, the technician cannot work below this mark.

The quietest option is models with a static cooling system or combined. They allow you to defrost the walls without human intervention. If the name contains a combination of “Smart Frost”, “Low Frost”, “No Frost”, etc., then this technique will work quietly.

Quiet fridge

Which refrigerator is better?

Top 5 quietest models

  1. Bosch KGS39XW20. It has a medium noise type and produces only 40 dB.
  2. Atlant XM 6024-031. Two-compressor model, not exceeding the mark of 40 dB during operation.
  3. LG GA-B489 YVQZ. Korean device producing 40 dB. The silence of operation is ensured by the presence of a linear compressor.
  4. Samsung RL-59 GYBMG. The noise level does not exceed 38 dB. Additionally, it has a system for protection against voltage surges in the network.
  5. Electrolux ERN 29750. The silent device of the compact sizes which perfectly will be suitable for small kitchen rooms.

What to rely on when choosing a device depending on future use

Choosing a refrigeratorNormally, the refrigerator should not emit more than 44 dB. Exceeding this value indicates that the equipment is working loudly and can bring discomfort to its owner. To check the volume level of your future acquisition, you should contact his passport. In it, the manufacturer indicates the technical characteristics with the numerical value of the noise produced.

How to reduce the noise level of the device

Determining the cause of noise at home is simple. You may need a sound meter for this. If you do not have this, then in this case, contact the specialists who will take the measurements and give you a real test result. This service is not free, but at times cheaper than buying a sound meter.

Do-it-yourself solutions

You can independently reduce the sounds of the refrigerator in the following ways:

  1. Ensure an even base under the refrigerator.
  2. Adjust the height of the legs of the equipment.
  3. Place dishes inside the refrigerator at a short distance.
  4. Isolate parts that emit noise with special screens.
  5. Cover the outside of the chamber with sound-absorbing materials.
  6. Remove the refrigerator so far that it does not come into contact with other appliances.
Refrigerator installation

Reference! If you cover the place where the refrigerator will stand with rubberized material - this will significantly reduce the volume of the device.

In which cases it is better to contact the master

If excessive noise is noticed in your equipment, then you can talk about manufacturing defects or improper assembly of equipment. Then you should seek the help of an experienced specialist.

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