Why the refrigerator knocks at night: reasons and their elimination

Why the fridge knocks at night I could not sleep, and suddenly heard a loud knock in the kitchen at night? It happens, it's a refrigerator. Despite his good work, he suddenly begins to show himself in silence.

Let's figure it out together what a useful kitchen unit wants to tell us with these knocks. And why does it do it at night.

Why is he knocking?

The content of the article

  • Why is he knocking?
    • Simple reasons
    • And this is serious!
  • What can be done?
  • Why are knocks and noises - nocturnal?

Often you can fix the situation yourself. But first of all, you need to establish the source of occurrence.

Thanks to the experience accumulated by professionals, we know the most common causes of extraneous knocking.

Simple reasons

  • "Old" became. When establishing the origin of extraneous sounds, you should pay attention the reasonsfor the life of the refrigerator.
  • Incorrectly installed. The occurrence of knocking in a new household appliance may be due to its incorrect position. This reason is one of the most common. If the legs are not evenly positioned, loud vibration or tapping may occur.
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    An unstable position can also cause the compressor to come into contact with other elements.
  • Overloaded. Sometimes this factor occurs due to the uneven distribution of products inside the refrigerator compartment. The congestion of some shelves causes the appearance of extraneous sounds. This reason is periodic.

Addition: Unequal product positioning may be caused by improper fastening of shelves in the unit.

And this is serious!

  • Lack of interior lighting, snow or temperature spikes iceindicate more serious problems. A possible factor in the appearance of sounds during operation is the weakening of the mounting fasteners that fix the compressor.
  • A large amount of drizzle settles on the fan, which subsequently turns into ice. During operation, the blades touch the formed ice, which leads to tapping or rattle. The source of the problem is excessive snow. This may be due to improperly set temperature conditions or insufficient ventilation.

Reference: a possible cause is also the depressurization of the door.

  • Evaporator malfunction is mainly found on models with the No Frost function. Such household appliances have a built-in automatic defrost function. With prolonged use, the evaporator begins to become ice-covered. This leads to the cessation of air circulation and the appearance of extraneous sounds.

What can be done?

If there is an extraneous knock, rattle or clicks, you must immediately proceed to the establishment what to docauses and its elimination. Quick action will help to avoid the development of a malfunction and further failure of the refrigerator.

  • Firstly make sure the home appliance is in the correct position. Visual inspection may not detect problems, so a thorough inspection is recommended. If there are gaps between the base and legs, you should use a kind of substrate to adjust the position of the refrigerator.

Note: modern models have adjusting legs, which greatly facilitates the task.

  • If the shelf mounts are overloaded or loose, it is necessary to completely clean the chamber. Careful check of shelves and drawers will help to correct errors. The products inside the unit should be placed evenly.
  • A fan or evaporator most often fails due to an increase in the snow layer on the surface. To fix the problem, the refrigerator should be freed from the products inside the chamber. Thorough defrosting will help get rid of the ice crust formed on the elements. Experts recommend leaving the refrigerator overnight so that snow and ice completely move away from the surface.

Important: Before the procedure, the device must be disconnected from the network.

If there is no progress after using the above methods, you should contact a specialist for advice.

Why are knocks and noises - nocturnal?

Having determined the cause, we will try to eliminate it ourselves. If the knocks still go on why knocking at nightcontact the service for a serious diagnosis.

There is only one question left: why do sounds appear at night? There is also an explanation for this, and it is very simple. In fact, extraneous noise occurs constantly, day and night. But during the day they dissolve in other everyday sounds, music, conversation, etc. But at night, when most of the usual noises subside, we can clearly hear that the refrigerator taps, creaks, reminds of itself.

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