Can I defrost a refrigerator with a hairdryer: general rules for defrosting, can I defrost a refrigerator with a hairdryer

defrost refrigeratorIn the modern world, people are accustomed to the fact that the device can do all the work on its own, but it’s still worth helping to work efficiently. Each owner of the refrigerator must be subjected to a defrosting procedure so that it does not fail. Of course, there are devices with the smart function no frost, but ice after a while appears in them. If you flatly refuse to defrost, then after a while you will have to pay a large sum for the repair of the refrigerator.

General rules for defrosting and using the refrigerator

The content of the article

  • General rules for defrosting and using the refrigerator
  • How to defrost a refrigerator
    • Is it possible to defrost a refrigerator with a hairdryer
    • Is the fan heater suitable for defrosting
  • Safety precautions for non-standard defrost methods

To defrost as rarely as possible, the following operation steps should be followed:

  • close the door tightly;General rules for defrosting and using the refrigerator
  • check rubber inserts;
  • monitor the temperature in the chamber, as its jumps can indicate a malfunction in the thermostat;
  • Do not load cameras too much.
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To start defrosting, first of all, it is worth setting the temperature to 0 degrees and extracting all the products. To prevent spoiling, place them in a basin or ice pack. Place a large towel or rag under the refrigerator in order to protect the floor from wet traces. After such actions, you can proceed to the main task.

How to defrost a refrigerator

There are several ways to cleanse from ice:

  1. Natural process. It is intended to simply leave the refrigerator with the door open in the air. It takes about 4-12 hours. But you can leave this action for the night too, then time will pass for you imperceptibly.
  2. Put some hot objects in the chamber, preferably a heating pad.natural defrosting of the refrigerator
  3. A pan with hot water can also replace a heating pad, which must be changed periodically. Evaporation helps thaw.
  4. Spray the wall with boiling water from a spray bottle.
  5. Wipe the ice with a warm cloth.
  6. It is possible to use a vacuum cleaner. Unhook the top nozzle and direct the warm air from the hose to the freezer. All this is possible only on condition that your vacuum cleaner has high power.
  7. Vinegar 9%. Spray or wipe with them what you want to clean.

Is it possible to defrost a refrigerator with a hairdryer

hairdryer defrostPerhaps this method is the most popular, it is necessary to turn on the mode of warm blowing and bring it to ice. Despite many questions, using this method is possible and necessary for quick work. But the experiment may accidentally end up breaking the hair dryer or overheating it. In the worst case, water will fall on the chassis and cause a short circuit. Using a hair dryer is practiced by most housewives.

Important! It is extremely rare to use a hairdryer, only in emergency cases.

Is the fan heater suitable for defrosting

defrost fan heaterA fan heater is the best you can think of for defrosting. Place it a short distance from the refrigerator and turn it on. Defrosting will take place smoothly, but at the same time you will be able to go about your own business and not have worries.

To prevent the device from malfunctioning, after defrosting, remove all ice and melt water, using a knife or any other object is prohibited, because no one is interested in further repairs. Anyway, do not try to pick out the ice yourself.

Safety precautions for non-standard defrost methods

safety regulationsThe first thing to do when working with the device is to unplug it. After all, water is a good conductor of electricity and this can have a negative impact on you. The second, but no less important is accuracy when working with heating appliances. Do not direct them at the connecting rubber, because it may melt. Deformation will cause warm air to easily enter the refrigerator. Subsequently, a new "coat" will appear much earlier.

After work, carefully wipe everything around, including the internal shelves. Turn on the refrigeration unit, but do not put food immediately, wait for the temperature to drop to normal, otherwise the food will deteriorate.

Summing up, we can say that it will take about one day to clean up with the accompanying actions. However, they must be sacrificed in order to save time and money in the future. And for quick defrosting, you can use a hair dryer or fan heater.

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