How to clean the capillary tube in the refrigerator - instructions and tips

Capillary tube in the refrigeratorHow to diagnose a capillary tube blockage? Refrigerant circulation, through which refrigeration equipment performs its functions, is sometimes disrupted. The cause may be a blockage in the capillary tube. The following indirect symptoms will help you recognize the problem:

  • the refrigerator compressor works almost without stopping, and ice forms in the chamber;
  • lack of cold in the chamber during normal functioning of the freezer;
  • working equipment does not give a cold (as a rule, with complete clogging, which rarely happens);
  • cold is not produced, but after a couple of hours of inactivity without power supply, full functioning resumes for a short time.

A more thorough check involves paying attention to the condenser, which is a tubular lattice on the back of the refrigerator. Its temperature state is a good witness to the formation of blockage. If one part of the condenser is heated strongly, and the other has room temperature, then this indicates a violation of the movement of freon.

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Important! It is worth remembering that the above signs may indicate not only a blockage in the capillary tube, but also a failure of the evaporator.

Step-by-step cleaning instructions

The content of the article

  • Step-by-step cleaning instructions
    • Necessary tools and materials
    • The nuances of cleaning in different models of devices
  • What will happen if you do not clean the capillary tube of the refrigerator
  • Possible difficulties when doing your own cleaning
  • In what cases the help of a professional master is needed

Necessary tools and materials

To work, you will need the following tools and devices: pliers, a soldering iron with silver solder (or portable gas welding post), pipe cutter, compressor, hydraulic press, nitrogen balloon. Of the materials required: a piece of a hollow copper tube, a syringe, a solvent, a refrigerant, a new filter.

The nuances of cleaning in different models of devices

Soldering a capillary tube in a refrigeratorAs some users have old models and there are a lot of new ones on the market, the contents of the cooling system may vary. Differences in the filler of the filter, the material of pipelines lead to the fact that the nature of the clogging of the capillary tube is also different. This fact determines the approach to cleaning.

One method involves flushing with nitrogen in the opposite direction to the movement of the refrigerant. A pre-capillary element is cut out from the general system. When using a solvent, you can remove the blockage in the form of a powder of a dark color, small flakes, gel-like mass. Perhaps it will be possible to cope with the most complex cork-like plug.

Another way involves soldering the compressor into the system and pumping under high pressure (up to 25 atmospheres). Depending on the complexity of the contamination, the procedure is repeated many times.

Third way consists in removing the evaporator and placing it in a container with high temperature water. The capillary tube must be purged. After completion of the work, the elements are returned to the place, vacuuming and filling of freon is performed. This can only be done with a compressor!

Important! If the cleaning does not bring the desired result even after several attempts, then the system is unavoidable blockage. In this case, a complete replacement of the capillary tube is necessary.

What will happen if you do not clean the capillary tube of the refrigerator

First of all, during the operation of the refrigeration equipment, a picture of the growing features described above will be observed, i.e. it will not function properly. SecondlyA constantly running compressor will sooner or later fail completely. And when exactly this happens, even the most experienced master will not be able to determine. Therefore, at the first obvious signs of blockage, it makes sense to do cleaning.

Possible difficulties when doing your own cleaning

Refrigerator filterAccording to statistics, in about 90% of cases, in addition to cleaning, a filter replacement will be required. The reason is simple - most of the blockages occur due to poor-quality work. If the old filter is left in place, then the probability of repeated violations of the circulation of freon is high. Another difficulty is the need to charge the system with refrigerant. Without its evacuation, the procedure will not succeed.

In what cases the help of a professional master is needed

Having no experience with refrigeration equipment and in encountering the above difficulties (filter change, freon filling), it is enough to undertake independent execution of all procedures risky. This is not only about the breakdown of the entire refrigerator, but also about their own health.

Without knowing the safety rules and the fundamentals of the operation of complex technical equipment, you can injure yourself. That is why it makes sense to contact specialistswho will understand the causes of failure on the spot and eliminate them at a high professional level.

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