How and what to wash the refrigerator inside and out - comprehensive instructions

Household appliances need a regular "bath". Food contamination is one of the most persistent. The refrigerator, on duty, stores various products that not only stain it, but also give the refrigeration unit a specific "flavor". We have to fight with dirt and odor. The just-bought thing and the one that has long been in operation also need care.

How to wash the refrigerator effectively

The content of the article

  • How to wash the refrigerator effectively
    • Popular in-store items for safely washing your refrigerator inside
    • Folk remedies that will help wash the device after defrosting
  • How to properly wash and disinfect a new refrigerator before first use
    • Effective means for cleaning a new device before turning it on
    • How not to spoil the refrigerator from the first days of operation
  • How to wash the refrigerator outside
    • How to wash stickers from the fridge
    • How to remove gray scratches from magnets
  • How to wash the refrigerator at home, so that it does not appear in an unpleasant aroma for a long time
  • instagram viewer
  • Troubleshoot complex issues
    • How to clean the inside of the refrigerator from yellowness
    • How to wash a refrigerator from mold with vinegar

Refrigerator washingYou can use special detergents sold in each store to wash refrigerators. Or use those substances that are at hand. On their basis, many folk recipes were invented and successfully applied to launder such a problematic item of furniture as a refrigerator.

Popular in-store items for safely washing your refrigerator inside

Most housewives use dishwashing detergents to wash the inside of the refrigerator. With strong contaminants and a nasty odor, they are not effective enough, and the foam has to be washed off in several approaches. There are more modern and practical tools specifically designed for cleaning refrigeration units. This arsenal includes wipes, gel and spray. They not only perfectly clean, but also disinfect surfaces. Very convenient to use formulations that do not require rinsing.

Reference! Do not use abrasive powder products (Comet, Pemolux, etc.) to remove stubborn dirt. This can lead to scratches on plastic and glass surfaces.

Here are the most popular special products for washing household appliances:

  • DetergentsEdelVeys (Russia) - spray with a pleasant neutral odor and a liquid consistency. The sprayer with the spray and foam modes allows to use a cleaning agent easily and economically.
  • TopHouse (Germany) - a set of 2 or 3 elements. The main “working” force of the kit is a cleaning agent and a napkin with a special structure. A nice addition is a gel-based odor absorber. Suitable not only for home refrigerators, but also for automobile refrigerators.
  • Refridgerator cleaner - does not require rinsing with water, is sprayed in the form of foam and is simply erased with a dry cloth after 2 minutes. Recommended for cleaning the internal and external surfaces of the refrigeration unit.
  • “Clean refrigerator” (LUXUS company) is also sprayed in the form of foam or spray, after 5 minutes it is wiped dry. Contains plant extracts, therefore it is safe to use.
  • EFSTO - an economical option for cleaning the refrigerator; it cleans well without leaving scratches. The presence of chlorine components in the composition is harmful to the skin, so gloves must be used.

There are a lot of means, you can choose an option that is suitable for cleaning abilities and "afford".

Folk remedies that will help wash the device after defrosting

And you can use the advice of grandmothers, especially since components for washing solutions are in the cabinet of every housewife.

  • Baking soda. 2 tablespoons of soda are dissolved in half a liter of warm water. Using a soft cloth, wipe the walls and shelves of the refrigerator. Potassium bicarbonate returns whiteness and removes unpleasant odors.
  • Toothpaste. An unusual way to clean drawers and pallets made of plastic. Squeeze a little paste on the sponge and rub it on the surface, then rinse in running water. This procedure gives a pleasant smell and returns shine.
  • Ammonia. Struggles with mold and yellow spots. Problematic places are well moistened with ammonia, wait half an hour and thoroughly rinse with water. With severe moldiness, you can act in two approaches.
  • Laundry soap. Used as an emulsion. The bar, the blacker the better, you need to grate and mix with warm water. With this solution, rubber seals are well washed around the perimeter of the doors.
  • Lemon acid. 2 tablespoons of crystals "lemon" are dissolved in 0.5 liters of water. The inside of the refrigerator is washed with rags. This is the easiest way to freshen up the air in your home refrigerator.
Soda, Vinegar and Citric Acid

Advice! Activated carbon tablets tied in a rag on the refrigerator door will help to combat an unpleasant odor.

How to properly wash and disinfect a new refrigerator before first use

Wipe the refrigeratorAfter delivery, the new refrigerator also needs wet cleaning. It may have remained microparticles of plastic, chemicals, it could become dusty while it transported, microbes remained after the touch of potential buyers, sellers and movers.

Effective means for cleaning a new device before turning it on

The new unit does not need to remove unpleasant odors, so the means with fragrances will be superfluous. The persistent odor of plastic can be removed by ventilation. Soda will help to carry out the first sanitization. How to prepare the solution, we said above.

We thoroughly rinse all the elements of the new thing, not forgetting about the drawers, shelves on the door and molds for ice. Then wipe dry with a good absorbent cloth. For disinfection, you can wipe the surface with vodka or ammonia. You can turn on the unit in the network by setting the desired cold mode only after all the elements have completely dried.

How not to spoil the refrigerator from the first days of operation

Refrigerator washingThe connection to the network immediately after delivery is contraindicated for the new unit. It should stand for several hours so that the sweaty metal parts have time to dry, and freon is evenly distributed throughout the system. In the summer, this will take an hour.

Glass shelves should be washed only with warm water, they can burst from hot. Every six months, ordinary refrigerators need defrosting. Do not remove ice accumulations by picking with sharp objects. This may impair the integrity of the coating. Let the defrost go naturally.

How to wash the refrigerator outside

Outside, the refrigerator is washed with the same means as inside: soapy water, dishwashing liquid, special formulations and using folk recipes. The peculiarity of external pollution is that in the vicinity of the stove on the white surface of the unit may appear unaesthetic, hard to remove traces of fat.

Special tools for cleaning stoves, ovens and grills (“Anti-fat”, etc.) will help to cope with them. Pre-contaminated areas should be soaked in soapy water and then treated with a grease remover. After a while, wash the surface with warm water.

Attention! Metal sponges will leave scratches on the gloss of the refrigerator.

How to wash stickers from the fridge

How to wash stickers from the fridgeThe easiest way to get rid of stickers on the refrigerator door is not to glue them. Otherwise, frayed and faded stickers will have to be removed, and this is a rather time-consuming process. So that the sticker can be easily removed, you can heat it with a hairdryer, and gently remove the hot glue with a plastic spatula. You will have to tinker with the remaining glue stain.

The glue needs to be softened, for this the stain is lubricated with alcohol, vinegar or liquid to remove nail polish. After 10 minutes, the stain is washed with a sponge and soap. On sale there are special tools that can soften the glue, but the rest of it, anyway, will have to be washed by hand.

How to remove gray scratches from magnets

If the scratches are minor, then you can use a window cleaner, in addition to alcohol there is a detergent base that gently removes stains. Varnish remover and vinegar can also be useful.

Attention! Do not use acetone in its pure form, it can damage the enamel.

How to wash the refrigerator at home, so that it does not appear in an unpleasant aroma for a long time

Wipe the refrigeratorWashing the refrigerator is carried out in several stages. For an ideal result, work without haste, conscientiously washing difficult dirt.

  1. Defrost. The refrigerator is turned off from the mains or put into “defrost” mode. The contents of the freezers are placed on ice, shelves are freed from food. In parallel, they are checked for freshness. The ice should melt naturally, you can help it by spraying it with warm water.
  2. The washing up. All parts are washed with warm water and selected detergent added. Particular attention is paid to corners and joints, rubber seals. Soap foam is thoroughly washed off.
  3. Fight odor. Wipe all shelves and walls with odor control (vinegar, lemon water or a special tool) and wipe dry.
  4. Leave the unit open until completely dry.

To prevent odors from appearing, you need to keep the equipment clean all the time. You can use special odor traps with gel or alternative methods - half a lemon or tea bags.

Troubleshoot complex issues

How to clean the inside of the refrigerator from yellowness

How to clean the inside of the refrigerator from yellownessThe plastic inside the refrigerator can change from white to yellow over time. If sunlight is to blame on the outside, but on the inside, the cause of yellowness can be pollution. The simplest thing is to buy a special spray with a whitening effect for plastic. He will remove the yellowness and cover the surface with a protective film. You can deal with the problem and alternative methods:

  • You can treat yellowed surfaces with vinegar essence (70%). Work strictly with gloves and immediately rinse the vinegar with warm water. Weak concentrations (9%) will be powerless against old spots.
  • Chlorine bleaches. Shelves from the door and drawers can be soaked in chlorine solution for 2 hours or more, but vertical the surface will have to be wrapped with fabric napkins moistened with bleach and take care of constant humidity.
  • A mixture of washing powder and soda in equal parts. The gruel is applied to the plastic and left to act for 2 hours, then washed off.

How to wash a refrigerator from mold with vinegar

In the fight against mold inside the refrigerator, it is undesirable to use chemicals with pungent odors. Vinegar will help here. It must be applied to the place of accumulation of mold. Leave for an hour to prevent the fungus from surviving. Rinse thoroughly with soap and water. Repeat if necessary.

Food is better stored in a clean refrigerator and you don’t have to worry about family health.

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