Smart water filter: what can do, how to use, cost

Everyone perfectly understands that the quality of tap water always leaves much to be desired, because it contains a large amount of impurities that adversely affect our body. That is why it is necessary to carry out additional cleaning, eliminating water from unpleasant odor and taste. These unpleasant factors can not only spoil the impression of the prepared food, but also cause serious illnesses. That is why most people are now inclined to use additional filters that specify the optimal state of the liquid.

Smart water filter

The principle of operation is quite simple. With the help of special nozzles that do not let heavy metals, impurities and additional chemical additives pass through us, a clean liquid comes to us. Due to the fact that such an installation is mounted directly in the water supply system, plastic jugs filtering the water for a long time will no longer have to be used.

What a smart water filter can do

The content of the article

  • What a smart water filter can do
  • Features of using smart filter
  • How much is a smart filter
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Due to the fact that progress does not stand still, and manufacturers constantly come up with “smart” gadgets, we can enjoy many masterpieces of technology that greatly simplify our lives. Suppose a smart watch would be considered an unthinkable and useless trinket earlier, while now, most of them cannot imagine their life without such a device.

Reference! Why have filters become smart? Because the manufacturers decided to add a system to the simple water purification technology that helps control the purification using a smartphone.

It is precisely because manufacturers are trying to largely save us from the many complexities of life that such tools have been developed. You can control a smart device using simple gestures. Swung - the water is poured, made a second movement - the water stops. Also, thanks to the use of smartphone technologies, it is quite easy to control the water level in filter, adjust the required temperature and set reminders for determining the amount of drinking water in a day.

Smart water filter

Features of using smart filter

Filters have been widely used due to the ability to cut off all additives harmful to the body that are contained in drainpipes. They are divided into:

  • Self-washing;
  • Cartridge;
  • Automatic

The most convenient options are those in which it is necessary to change grids having fractions of different sizes that retain metals on the surface. After installing such grids, you can forget about the constant change of filters.

In addition, there are a large number of models that have special filters in their structure that remove oxidized substances from the liquid. Subsequently, they settle on a special grid.

Reference! In order to control the operation of the device, you need to set only certain parameters. Everything else will be done by a “smart” computer, which will calculate when it is necessary to change the grids, fill the tank with water and clean the system.

Also, such a system determines substances that fall under the filtration. Due to the fact that many metals have abrasive and alkaline properties, they can corrode plumbing communications, reducing its life. But due to the fact that the computer independently adds special substances to the solution that create a “quenching” reaction for a dangerous substance. This greatly extends the life of the device.

Smart water filter

How much is a smart filter

The cost of devices used for smart water treatment can vary significantly. The differences are precisely in the technical equipment of the mechanism, dimensions and capabilities.

The average price of famous devices starts at 15 thousand rubles. Models for suburban use from 50 thousand rubles.

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