What is better distiller or rectifier: a comparison of devices

DistillerMore often this question excites beginner distillers and people who make moonshine. To get a "flammable drink" you can use the following equipment: a distiller or rectifier. Which of these units to choose? To understand this, you need to find out what each of the devices is.

Distiller: advantages and disadvantages

The content of the article

  • Distiller: advantages and disadvantages
  • Rectifier Pros and Cons
  • What is better distiller or rectifier

In the distiller, alcohol vapor is distilled, followed by condensation of the cooled vapor. The design of the apparatus is simple: it must have a cube for distillation, as well as a steam tank with a cooler. Raw mash is heated in a cube. Sukhoparnik is designed for settling spray mash. “Fusel oils” also condense there, and a cooler - to turn steam into a liquid flowing into a receiving vessel at the outlet. This element often serves as an aroma basket. Hot steam passing through aromatic herbs, berries, absorbs essential oils or pleasantly smelling substances, giving the distillate new notes of taste and smell.

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Distillation advantages:

  • with its help, strong moonshine is obtained, which can not be compared to store vodka;
  • products obtained by distillation of mash are environmentally friendly;
  • modern devices are compact;
  • the device is simple;
  • may have several degrees of purification;
  • the device is reliable.Distiller

The disadvantages include:

  • lack of temperature control;
  • tank volumes of some models.

Rectifier Pros and Cons

Rectifier refers to more modern units. It resembles a device for experiments. The process of producing alcohol itself involves the separation of the mixture by repeated evaporation. The result is a 90-degree alcohol.

This device differs from the distiller in that a U-shaped tube having a complex structure and called a column is installed above the cube for distillation. To the part of the tube going up, water cooling is called a cooling jacket. In the tube, the shirt allows you to maintain the desired temperature. The downward portion of the tube is a cooler. Water cooling was also carried out for it. The presence of various nozzles that increase the area of ​​the tube-column makes it a rectifier.Rectifier

The advantages of the device are:

  • the ability to regulate temperature conditions and control the very procedure for obtaining alcohol;
  • the column makes alcohol cleaner;
  • alcohol is extremely strong;
  • the product can be used to make cognac and other strong alcoholic drinks.

The disadvantages of different models are different. But the common minus is the great strength of the alcohol obtained.

Attention! The alcohol obtained by the rectifier should be diluted before use.

The disadvantages also include low productivity compared to distillers.

What is better distiller or rectifier

Which device is better to choose depends on what the goal is. If you are supposed to get a pure strong alcoholic drink, a rectifier is recommended. It allows you to get rectified alcohol.

By distillation, a distillate with a characteristic odor and taste of the original mash is obtained. Distillation produces grape grappa, malt half a grain, apple calvados, etc.

The rectification procedure allows you to get neutral alcohol, which can be used for tinctures or liquors. Drinking pure undiluted alcohol is not recommended.Rectifier

It should be remembered! The rectifier allows you to use it as a distiller. And although the taste will be slightly different from the product that is obtained from the distiller, it is cleaner.

The latest device is more universal, has more features. But that’s exactly what makes it more expensive. But it works slower than the distiller.

The distiller, allowing you to preserve the aroma of the product, does not make it possible to obtain alcohol. During processing, only moonshine is obtained.

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