Why food burns in a slow cooker: causes of the problem and its elimination

Slow cookers have become the main helper in the kitchen. Almost everyone uses them, even experienced housewives often allow themselves to take advantage of this miracle of technology. Thanks to a convenient and simple interface, everyone can cope with the management. Complete with the device there is an instruction for use and a basic set of recipes. With their help, you can cook your favorite dishes.

Why in a slow cooker burns food

A slow cooker allows you to do everyday chores without being distracted by cooking. A smart system does everything automatically. This greatly saves time and effort after a long working day.

But sometimes a proven device upsets. This happens when the hostess sees a burnt dish in the bowl. We will understand why this is happening.

Mode value for non-stick cooking

The content of the article

  • Mode value for non-stick cooking
  • Volume matters!
  • Baking is a delicate matter: the nuances of baking without burning

One of the main advantages of using a multicooker is the use of non-stick coating. It makes it easy to cook various products, as well as quickly wash the structural elements of the equipment after cooking. However, for the proper implementation of this function, it is necessary to fulfill a number of requirements.

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The main one is operating mode. It depends on this cooking time, temperature, corresponding to the selected dish. When you select a mode, the system automatically sets the following operation parameters.

  • Temperatureat which the dish will be prepared.
  • Time for preparing. Each menu item has its own indicator.
  • Features of heating the multicooker bowl. Some modes have their own characteristics.
    The main panel has buttons for heating and its own recipe, in which you can independently adjust all of the above parameters.

It is worth paying attention to the choice of the program when cooking various dishes in order to get the desired result and delicious food. In the future, with sufficient experience, you can combine various items.

recipe book

IMPORTANT! For the right choice of the required operating mode, you should pay attention to the recipe book. Typically, manufacturers indicate in it a suitable item on the main menu for cooking.

If the book was not there, or you lost it, you can find recipes for the multicooker on the Internet. Follow all the steps in the plan presented.

Volume matters!

Another important point that you should definitely pay attention to is the volume of products and all components. Carefully read the recipe, prepare in advance all the necessary products for laying in the bowl. Observe the main points when sending vegetables, cereals, meat to the bowl.

product loading
  • Be sure to observe the ratio of liquid to dry parts of products. With insufficient water, the food begins to dry and burn to the walls.
  • Follow the bookmark sequence carefully. To do this, there is a special book that describes the order and principle of action.
  • Do not overfill the bowlAll products must be mixed freely. If this is not possible, there is a possibility of burning.
  • Add oil and water in additionif the dish dries quickly.

In the equipment, everything is calculated to the smallest detail, and the work is brought to automaticity. Therefore, it is important to strictly observe the order and correctness of all actions.

IMPORTANT! If you wish, you can double the serving, if it is provided for in the multicooker volume. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe all the proportions indicated in the cooking instructions.

Baking is a delicate matter: the nuances of baking without burning

With ordinary dishes there is no difficulty, it is much more difficult to work with baking.

IMPORTANT! Follow all the instructions in accordance with the instructions so that the dishes do not burn and delight you with your taste.

bakery products

In this case, special attention should be paid to the following parameters and performance indicators.

  • Watch the condition of the bowl cover. If damaged, replace it..
  • Before starting work grease the surface with oil, evenly distribute it in a continuous layer.
  • When kneading dough try to add less sugar. Because carbohydrates begin to burn quickly with increasing temperature, forming a bitter crust.
  • Despite the selected “Baking” program, you need to independently determine the exact time the product is ready. Check the baking with a toothpick, determine the time during which it is completely baked. In the future, focus on the value obtained.

Happy cooking delicious dishes!

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