The difference between a blender and a mixer and other devices - we see the difference

Stationary and Hand BlenderAppliances for the kitchen has become an active participant not only in numerous culinary fights on television screens, but also has firmly established itself in almost every kitchen.

Owners of kitchen appliances confirm: the mechanisms not only free from routine work, save time and effort, but also open up new opportunities. Perhaps that is why in the advertisement of household appliances for the kitchen they are called "reliable assistants."

The variety of techniques causes certain difficulties with a specific choice.

We will figure out what is the difference between a blender and a mixer, in order to know which assistant is needed for you in your kitchen.

The difference between a blender and a mixer

The content of the article

  • The difference between a blender and a mixer
  • Blender
    • Advantages
    • disadvantages
  • Mixer
    • Advantages
    • disadvantages
  • The difference between a stationary blender and a hand blender
  • The difference between a blender and a chopper
  • What is the difference between a food processor and a blender
  • To summarize
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MixerMany housewives say about these subjects simply: "almost the same thing." This is not to say that they are completely wrong. After all, the main function of the blender and mixer is to mix, as indicated in their names:

  • Blender - Blender (from the verb “blend” - to mix) - a mixer.
  • Mixer - Mixer (from the verb “mix” - to mix) - mixer.

However, devices are not accidentally called differently. And their main difference is not in the name, but in those actions that can be performed with their help:

  • Blender: mix, beat, grind, grind.
  • Mixer: mix, beat.

Different functionality is provided by the various components of the devices, as well as their different capabilities.

We will get to know each unit in more detail.


Hand blenderBlender is a kitchen appliance for mixing, whipping, chopping, grinding vegetables, fruits, meat, as well as nuts, ice. The main component of the device, with the help of which all possible actions with products are performed, are sharpened knives made of steel.


Housewives using a blender in home kitchens, and professional professionals note the following advantages of the device:

  • The possibility of using not only boiled, but also raw vegetables.
  • Speed ​​of operations;
  • Achieving uniformity of mixtures;

The multifunctionality of the mechanism, which can do a lot:

  • Chop or chop raw and cooked foods.
  • Will grind vegetables, fruits and berries to a state of mashed potatoes.
  • Cook a smoothie.
  • Beat cream, cocktail, eggs in foam, sauce.
  • Mixes eggs for omelet.
  • Make minced meat, poultry or fish.
  • Cover ice.
  • Make ice cream and mayonnaise.
  • Grinds herbs and spices.
  • Knead the batter.

Important! When choosing a blender, carefully read the instructions. The functions “dicing products”, “ice breaking” are not available for all models.


Stationary blenderIndispensable for many, the blender still has certain disadvantages that must be considered when choosing a device:

  • Perhaps not everyone will like the consistency of ice cream prepared in it, devoid of airiness and more reminiscent of porridge.
  • It will not be possible to cook a thick dough, necessary, for example, for making delicious pies.
  • Mothers of infants attribute the loud work of some devices to the shortcomings.

Important! When buying a blender, study not only the capabilities, but also the technical characteristics of the device. So you can pick up the unit with a noise level not exceeding the volume of a normal conversation, as well as with the ability to clean automatically.


MixerA mixer is a kitchen appliance with which you can whip and mix products. For the high-quality performance of this function, the unit is equipped with special metal corollas.


The mixer has become a familiar tool for many housewives, and they are not going to replace it with another device. The mixer has earned such fidelity due to its advantages:

  1. A special degree of airiness and splendor when whipping.
  2. Multifunctionality:
    • Mixing cocktails made of milk and ice cream with syrups or fruits;
    • Beating in a thick foam of egg whites, milk cream;
    • Cooking soufflé, creams, mayonnaise, sauce.
    • Mixing liquid (pancakes, pancakes) and thick (pies, pies, muffins) dough;


The mixer requires the hostess preliminary special preparation of products, many consider this a drawback of the device:

  • You can not use raw vegetables, they can only be laid in the mixer bowl after preliminary cooking.
  • It does not have chopping and chopping functions.
  • It can not cope with thick or solid foods. For example, butter can only be added in melted form.
  • Uniformity of the mixture is possible when using crushed, liquid or semi-liquid components. Therefore, it requires preliminary grinding (cutting) of the components.

As you can see, the blender is more functional. This does not exclude the use of the mixer by those housewives who know exactly which dishes they prefer homemade.

Those who are thinking about purchasing a blender will need additional information.

The difference between a stationary blender and a hand blender

BlenderManufacturers offer today two main types of device: submersible and stationary. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

In the stationary there is a working bowl, in which the fixed knives produce products. The bowl is mounted on the device. In addition to loading products, this unit does not require additional human participation in the work process.

Called stationary, this species suggests that a place in the kitchen will be constantly found for it.

Such a blender easily copes with volumes up to 2 liters, ideal for a large family. Its power makes it easy to cope with different products, pieces of meat, nuts and even ice.

Important! A stationary blender makes it easier to maintain cleanliness in the kitchen: the bowl closed during chopping completely eliminates the splashing of chopped substances. Many models of stationary blenders have a self-cleaning function.

Hand blender and juiceThe hand blender is compact and simple. The basis of the design is a special handle inside which the motor is located. Nozzle knives are attached to this handle.

This type of blender can be removed after use, it does not take up much space. But during work, you need to constantly hold it in your hands. But you can use it in any container, and turning the soup into mashed potatoes is possible in the same pan where the soup was cooked.

Important! For sale are models of a submersible blender, in which you can change the nozzle. This extends the functionality of the device.

The difference between a blender and a chopper

ChopperSince the blender is able to grind products well, customers sometimes wonder if it is possible to replace it with another kitchen appliance - a grinder. To make a decision, you need to know how the blender differs from the chopper.

Chopper - A kitchen appliance that easily and quickly cuts and grinds food. Models of grinders are diverse, manufacturers offer from simpler types to grinders with various nozzles. Having such a device, you can produce large and small slices, you can chop and rub vegetables or other products.

However, the chopped chopper will not be able to beat, mix until homogeneous. The ability not only to grind, but also to whip - this is the main difference between a blender and a grinder.

What is the difference between a food processor and a blender

Food processorFor completeness of knowledge about kitchen appliances that help with cooking, you must definitely mention the food processor. This unit can be briefly described as follows: "Four in one." After all, a food processor combines the functions of not only the mixer and blender that we are considering. It is also complemented by the capabilities of a juicer and meat grinder. This is a really good helper, qualitatively performing the necessary actions in the kitchen.

A food processor is a solid and even bulky mechanism. He will need enough desktop space. Compared to other devices, the harvester has a high cost.

To summarize

Manufacturers did the main thing: they provided customers with a large selection of kitchen appliances that can perform a variety of functions in the kitchen.

To make your choice and not be disappointed in it afterwards, you need to determine:

  • What actions do you want to instruct the mechanism most often.
  • If you whisk a lot (dough, cream, cream, etc.), and the children are very fond of cocktails - you will get by with a mixer.
  • If you need a “helper” that will not only beat well, but also free you from cutting, rubbing, mixing, you just need a multifunctional blender.
  • What place in your kitchen can you devote to a new appliance.

If you want to clean the blender in the cabinet after use, take a look at the submersible blender. Know where you can put the unit - choose among stylish models of stationary blenders.

And be sure: all models of kitchen appliances are easy to learn, give pleasure to use, make it possible to delight loved ones often and easily!

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