What are the blenders - Blenders function

Modern appliances for the kitchen market offers a lot of options for housewives, how to facilitate the process of cooking. Reliable assistant will blender - compact device for grinding and mixing of vegetables, fruits, nuts and other products.

Trip to the store can turn into a waste of time. Types of blenders and their characteristics vary. To become a proud owner of the device and to obtain the desired functionality set, you need to thoroughly understand this.

types of blenders

The content of the article

  • types of blenders
    • stationary crushers
      • dignity
      • disadvantages
    • Submersible shredders
      • dignity
      • disadvantages
  • functions blenders
  • Options blenders
  • How to choose a suitable blender

Depending on the design and milling process distinguish stationary and blenders.

stationary crushers

stationary blenderThese devices operate on a flat surface and the kitchen are cup or jug, the bottom of which are cutting knives. It is installed on a stand-working unit, wherein the motor is located.

It also has a control panel that allows you to turn on the device, select the appropriate mode and speed of rotation of the cutting elements.

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Important! Pay attention to the volume of the jug and its material. For a family of three or more people, it is advisable to choose a bowl of larger volume. Glass jar fragile. Plastic is more reliable in terms of resistance to impact and crash.


  1. Free hands. There is no need to hold the device during operation. Simply pressing the button will continue to go about their business.
  2. Self-cleaning function. Some manufacturers offer a fun way to wash the bowl. It is enough to pour water, add detergent and insert mode.
  3. Modes supovarki or steaming. They have similar characteristics expensive models. The whole process of cooking a favorite food passes directly into the blender.
  4. Appearance. Manufacturers have taken care of the unusual design of their devices. These gadgets are stylish look to any kitchen.


  1. Dimensions. The device will have to allocate some space in the kitchen to be able to use it on a daily basis.
  2. Functional limitations. Despite the interesting modes of soups and a couple of products, the main purpose - to grind and mix the food.
  3. Inability to replace components. Stationary blender has an individual work bowl with knives. Even with little damage, the device will have to change completely.

Submersible shredders

immersion blenderExternally, the blender is a handle with a control unit and an elongated nozzle operating with the knives on the end. During operation it is held in the hand and is immersed in a container of product to be crushed.

Most of this kind of gadgets are pulsing. It assumes a constant pressing and holding the power button during the operation.

Important! When choosing a hand blender should pay attention to weight and body comfort. Practical to slip coating. The buttons must be so arranged that the operation does not cause discomfort.

The cheapest models often found plastic performance of the grinding heads. It is recommended to choose the metal that will last longer.


  1. Compactness. A small device is easy to store in a drawer, where it does not take up much space.
  2. Mobility. Some models are equipped with a battery. This will allow the unit to operate independently from the power outlet location.
  3. Functional diversity. Numerous tips can not only crush and pyurirovat products, but also to shake up, chop, chop.
  4. The minimum time required. To prepare the instrument to operate sufficiently attach a suitable nozzle, and after - rinse it under running water.
  5. Expanding the scope application and replacement of parts by acquiring nozzles sold separately.


  1. Fast fatiguability. Hands get tired during prolonged work with the device.
  2. A small amount of comminuted products, Which manages the device.
  3. High price. For the full set of nozzles will have to shell out a tidy sum.

functions blenders

Blender inStationary blenders have the following features:

  • grinding and mixing;
  • steaming;
  • cooking soup;
  • automatic cleaning of the bowl.

In terms of functionality, blenders far ahead. Numerous tips allow you to various manipulations with the products:

  • Standard nozzle pyuriruet boiled foods, fresh grinds, mixes various ingredients;
  • whipping whisk capable proteins or kneading batter;
  • nozzle-mill quickly grind coffee, pepper, sugar, bread crumbs;
  • multifunctional bowl with a variety of nozzles capable of grind, chop, cut food into slices or cubes;
  • vacuum nozzle sucks air from the containers, bundled with the device, which increases the shelf life of products.

This set of characteristics allows blenders be even compete with food processor.

Options blenders

Standard configuration devices an average price category will allow to carry out simple daily tasks.

Options blenderImmersion devices, in addition to the operating system, equipped with a nozzle-foot, whisk, bowl-chopper with straight knives, mixing container, warranty card and certificates.

For stationary devices - is itself blender bowl, warranty card and accompanying documentation.

How to choose a suitable blender

To the blender served as long as possible and perform all daily needs, it is necessary to stick to the plan of a small selection of devices.

  1. We determine the maximum price which may be spent on the device. You should not be stingy, high-quality shredder will be a good helper in the household.
  2. Clearly we imagine a set of functions to be performed by a blender in cooking. So it becomes clear what type of device is needed - landline or immersion.
  3. Choose from the range presented model is the most attractive design and associated amenities. At the same time we pay attention to brands. Bosch, Philips, Braun - manufacturers have long proven themselves as leaders, producing high quality products.

More detailed article about how to choose a blender.

Tip! When choosing a shredder, do not forget about such indicators as power. The higher it is, the faster the unit will cope with the task.

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