Why not paint the floor again

Time goes by, and in active service during any floor covering loses original appearance. And painted the floor is no exception - it some time later formed abrasions, chipped paint loses its color. Rassyhaetsya timber, because of which are formed in the floor of the slot. Sometimes the painted surface changes occur in one part of the room, as a rule, most of the entrance and is actively used. Naturally, this is necessary to repaint the floor.

Why can not paint the floor again

It would seem that could be easier - painted over the old paint, and the floor will be updated. But not all so simple. The fact is that due to the structure of the paint is applied evenly to the surface, it does not hide existing defects: cracks, cracks, dents, chips, etc. As a result of this rapid repair floor will not look aesthetically pleasing.

To re-paint the floor, it is necessary to hold a series of preparatory work, which will require the use of tools and technologies.

For sealing cracks in the floor it is necessary to use several types of fillers of different composition. The optimal material for filling cracks and gaps in the wooden floor is an acrylic coating made of gypsum with added talc and zinc oxide or ocher. This composition is perfectly fills the gap due to its flexibility, leveling the surface for painting. It can be used alone cooked wood glue composition of the fine fraction and the sawdust.

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If you have to paint a very old floor, which has a significant amount of damage in the form of dents and chips or relief drops, you have to hold a pre-Scratching. The upper layer was removed together with planks old paint, and then subjected to grinding impregnation timber. When the layer is dry, it is possible to start painting the floor. To extend the life of the updated gender necessarily need to spend it painting. The layer of lacquer on top of the paint coating will provide moisture resistance and increase its impact resistance.

If the planned application of paint in two layers, should adhere to the basic rules: a second layer of paint floor cover only after complete drying of the first layer. Then continue the uniformity of paint without damaging the texture of the material.

Re-painting the floor without the preparatory work does not give a good aesthetic result.

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