Filling the refrigerator freon hands - instructions on how to fill

freon leakFreon - gaseous substance without odor and color, which due to their properties (evaporative absorb thermal energy) is used as a refrigerant in refrigeration. It is harmless to humans if used properly, have a long service life while maintaining all the characteristics.

If cooling in the freezer chamber abruptly decreased or is completely absent, then this may indicate leakage of freon. In this case, the compressor is running in standard mode.

Attention! Leakage of Freon can deduce technique unusable. As a consequence, it is important for the short period of time to identify the cause, remove and fill the refrigerator freon in the required amount.

Identify the location of the leak can be by visual inspection or use a specialized tool leak detector. As a rule, it is in places hurt corrosion evaporator or factory soldering.

Mechanical failure of some parts may be the cause of the leak, so to begin to eliminate it, to repair broken parts.

All procedures can be done alone at home, but be sure to keep all precautions and technology in order to avoid subsequent leakage.

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Preparatory work tools

The content of the article

  • Preparatory work tools
  • Instructions for filling
  • Precautionary measures
  • Who can I contact if you can not change on their own

refrigerator repairImportant! Before purchasing CFC define its brand, this data can be found on the compressor housing. There is also information on the number of the required refrigerant charge.

To carry out a complete repair, you must have the following tools, which are better prepared in advance:

  • electronic leak detector type;
  • tester and a digital thermometer;
  • a vacuum pump;
  • pliers;
  • set of wrenches;
  • Pinch tongs,
  • Schrader valve;
  • and, of course, the balloon with Freon.

To carry out gas-flame operations need shield.

Reference! The necessary equipment can be rented as well as the acquisition of its repair will cost more in the professional master or service center.

Before refueling is necessary to conduct certain preparatory work that consist in carrying out a complete cleaning of the system by evaporation of the refrigerant remaining. Let us consider them in more detail.

Output gas from the system is carried out through the following steps: by means of a needle capture (clutches) clamped filter drier and is pierced where the portion is observed with copper. Detail is located in this place, it is subject to further change.

To keep the indoor air clean, can bleed gas through the tube, the window deduced outside. Next, unnecessary pressure is vented, to remove excess moisture setting purged with nitrogen. And at the end of the complete absence of the refrigerant is set Schrader valve, through which, and will be available the new freon.

Important! Before connecting the gas-filled container to ensure that the pressure there is less than six atmospheres. If this parameter is incorrect, you can use the gearbox to reduce to the desired target.

Instructions for filling

Replacement of freon in refrigeratorAfter preparatory operations proceed to implement the charging process in compliance with all security measures.

We need to have two pressure gauges red and blue colors and three hoses: blue, yellow and red, which, as a rule, are already complete.

Manometer blue will control the suction pressure and the pressure gauge through the red, we will observe the input (pressurizing) pressure on our system.

Important! Before you begin the charging process on the gauge set to the "CLOSED" valves.

  1. blue hose is connected to the tube, through which we will charge the system, for this we use the fitting.
  2. Then yellow hose fix to the container with freon.
  3. In order to measure the pressure in the pressurizing system, attach the red hose to the so-called Schrader valve (soldered connection on the pipeline).
  4. Slowly we produce the valve opening process on blue and fill gauge system of the cylinder with freon pressure (0.4 - 0.5) atm. After filling the system and achieve the desired pressure of the valve cover both.
  5. Run compressor by approximately thirty - forty seconds, and then turns it off.
  6. Disconnect the phone from the yellow balloon and attach it in place of a vacuum pump.
  7. Turning on a connected pump roughly nine - ten minutes, no more.

Important! Before the procedure, the pump enable twirl blue valve on a pipeline to the end position "CLOSED".

  1. Then yellow hose to connect the gas cylinder after removing it from the vacuum pump. Open the valve at the same time advance yellow disconnect the tube from the reservoir little relegating it to the side to release the air from the system.
  2. After air bleed procedure performed yellow hose connect back to the system and open valve blue, occurs gassing system to the desired volume.
  3. Turning on the compressor and observe the pressure gauge for the pressure in the system, if all is well and there is no deviation from the pressure corresponding to the normal tubes go too.
  4. Sealed tube kinked, so that there is no leakage.

Precautionary measures

The motor of the refrigeratorFilling Freon own hands requires a performer of great responsibility.

To complete all precautions before starting work, you must read all the rules of safe handling of the refrigerant.

Before you start work, you must turn off the appliance from the mains.

In the process of repair must be the condition of grounding all equipment. If this is not possible, then all the work is carried out only on a specially equipped area with insulation.

Through the entire range of operation with gas, non-smoking, and include heaters.

The works are performed at periodic airing cuisine depending on the temperature outside (minimum one airing every 10 - 15 minutes), as the freon vapor can have a negative impact on the person. Professionals advise the use of protective masks.

The material for repair is desirable to acquire trusted manufacturers who offer a guarantee on their products.

Compliance with fire safety regulations in handy when soldering circuit joints.

Before you can check the tightness of installations, you must carefully read the instructions on safety regulations for refrigerators, which operate on Freon.

Using the above rules will allow for the repair procedure maximum security.

Who can I contact if you can not change on their own

Maintenance service coolerIf you can not change the Freon yourself at home or purchase all the necessary tools turns quite expensive, you can contact the service center where experts will carry out a quality repair your equipment within a short term.

You can also find a good master through private ads, the price will be much lower, but there is a risk of a not very high-quality end result.

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